What We Do
Mission Statement
The Parish Council is committed to promoting community values, economic stability, general well-being and pride in Bellingham, Redesmouth and Charlton.
Parish Council Objectives
To engage, whenever possible, in an open dialogue with residents, to understand their needs, and to explain how the Parish Council will address these needs within the resources and powers available.
To understand the issues and aspirations of residents and promote these ideals for the future.
To provide high standard cost-effective services within the resources and powers available.
To enable, support and encourage other local organisations and agencies to provide services.
To promote and represent the best interests of the parish for the betterment of the local community.
To encourage and promote the economic and commercial vitality of the parish through partnerships and other means.
To encourage and promote social and community values in the parish by working in co-operation and supporting, where practicable, local organisations and groups.
To embrace progress, improve the quality of life and healthy living.
All income whether from the precept or our operations is directed towards undertakings and projects that the council believe will benefit the parish of Bellingham and its residents.
We are responsible for the following things in our area.
We provide 20 allotments near Cairns Road for the use of local residents.
If you are interested in taking on an allotment click here and complete the form.
Burial Grounds & Cemetery
We provide and maintain the cemetery between the show field and The Croft. This includes the Chapel and Lychgate.
Provision of Car Parking
We provide and maintain a car park at the Jubilee Field next to the Fire Station.
Provision of Car Charging Facilities
Click here for details.
Waste Management
We provide numerous general rubbish and dog waste bins around the village. We also ensure the village is swept and kept clear of litter, fallen leaves etc.
Grass Cutting and Landscaping
We are responsible for the maintainance of grassed roadside verges as well as the Jubilee Field, the Community Orchard and the area around St Cuthbert's Well. We also pollard all trees through the centre of the village on an annual basis.
Neighbourhood Planning
We have the right to be consulted and provide a voice for local residents relating to planning applications. Please note, while we have input into the planning process the final decision on planning issues sits with Northumberland County Council.
Support for Local Businesses
We provide funding for local business directories as well as providing advertising space in the Jubilee Field Car Park.
Open Spaces & Play Areas
We manage the Jubilee Field and Community Orchard as well as play areas in the Jubilee Field and Briar Hill. We ensure the play areas are well maintained and safety tested on an annual basis.
Public Conveniences
We provide accessible public conveniences opposite the Methodist Chapel in the centre of the village. These are open from 7.30am to 6.30pm seven days a week.
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Promoting Tourism
We support tourism in the immediate area by working to ensure Bellingham is a great place to visit and always looks as appealing and tidy as possible. We also decorate the village at Christmas with our famous Town Hall tree as well as additional lights on Lock Up Lane and through the centre of the village.
War Memorials
We are responsible for the maintainance and upkeep of the War Memorial Fountain in Manchester Square as well as The Gun outside the Town Hall.
Support for Local Causes
Where beneficial to the wider community we offer support both financial and otherwise to local groups and charities.