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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.


Wednesday 18th September 2024, 7pm.  Bellingham Town Hall – Meeting Room.


Present: Clerk. One member of the Public.
Councillors: Wilkinson, Tilley, Kirkbride, Richardson, Armstrong, Moore, Turner


Part A

Public Participation


1.     Karbon are looking into cutting underneath the road but their plans are still not confirmed.

2.     The footpath to Jubilee Field is very good. Some larger holes and boggy areas are still present near the centre of the village.  If this work is complete, could this last section be re-looked at?

3.     Would encouraging new houses in the parish support the local schools? Councillor Kirkbride responded that a larger issue is school transport and that new houses alone do not have a huge impact.


Part B





Apologies for Absence


Councillors: Knudsen, Irving.



County Councillor Report


None received.



Declarations of interest


 No changes to report.



Minutes of the last meeting


Signed and agreed as correct.



Matters arising from the minutes

1.     The desired footpath from Fairshaw Crescent is over private land and therefore this matter cannot be taken any further.

2.     Reenes Way – By the pensioners bungalows could something be done to brighten up the area. There are holes where trees have been removed, could a hedge or some shrubs go in. Can Karbon come for a walk around? CW to action.

3.     The law and best practice regarding playground maintenance was discussed.  It was felt that a paper trail of each item would be of use. This is to be discussed with the current contractor who should already have records.

4.     A quote from Kompan with new flooring and roof panels, amongst other items was agreed in order to maintain equipment standards at Jubilee playing field. CW to action.

5.     Can NCC be prompted to empty the bins in the village more often? Cllr Armstrong to look into this.

6.     Information about air source heaters has been shared to all councillors.







24/02841/FUL - Garage, carport and garden room at Woodville, Redesmouth Road


No objections.


24/03075/FUL - Renovation at Bellingham Heritage Centre


No objections.


Decisions from NCC


None received







Precept £19,000Interest £5.97, £9.69




Exiam (Village Maintenance) - £180,Chris Mowatt (Landscaping) - £968,
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95,Natalie Green (Cleaning) - £199.33,
Brierley Maintenance (Street Cleaning - 40hrs) - £640,Town Hall Rent - £20,  
Northumberland Estates (Toilet Block rent) - £45,Litter Picker - £19


All expenses approved.


Bank Balances


£37,092.11,  £7,034.36,  £11,424.06


Final Audit Report


The annual audit of the Council's finances has been completed, two minor errors noted.





NCC:  Local Transport Priorities

Main areas of concern were agreed to be:

-        The ongoing issue of flooding risk around the school site. This is to be kept as a priority.

-        Speeding in the village, especially between the fire station and the town hall where the narrow paths and sometimes incomplete street light coverage makes this a particularly difficult place for pedestrians. We are to request some build-out features which may help reduce speed.


Dickinson’s Funeral Directors - chapel use

A funeral is to be held in the cemetery in the coming weeks. The family have requested use of the chapel. This will need to be cleaned. It was noted that some lighting was purchased for the chapel,

Councillor Kirkbride to investigate.


Community Garden Grants

Available to charities or groups. This may be of help to Bellingham in Bloom. CW to share info.


Community Energy Resilience Projects

A Community Resilience Fund is available. To help with power outages. This information could be passed to the Rede Hall. CW to action.


Woodland Creation

A scheme to create woodland near Redesmouth Road has been announced and offered to the council for consultation.  No objections raised.




The next borderlands meeting will soon take place. There is some concern over the availability of the funding.  A collaboration between school governors, North-Tyne and Rede partnership, local Church and the Parish Council has...Is proposing to make a sports and fitness centre based at the school for use by not only school children but also the public. This will redevelop the sports pitches and create a gym. A preliminary sum of £272,000 has been requested to begin the necessary measures.








Cllr Wilkinson - Town Hall EV payments


The town hall repayments for electricity used by the car charging points is now overdue. CW to confirm the amounts and bring to the October meeting for approval.


Cllr Kirkbride - HAF programme


A report was submitted by detailing the success of the school scheme which ran during the summer holidays. Details to be shared online.


Cllr Turner - Street Light Hareshaw Burn


An incident on the white bridge over Hareshaw burn was noted.  Could more lighting be added in this area in a way that would not disturb residents, but may make this section of footpath safer now that it is being used more frequently? CW to enquire.



Any urgent business

1.     It has been reported that food scraps, including vegetable oil, are being dumped at the allotment.  This contravenes allotment rules as well as environmental safety regulations.  Residents to keep watch.

2.     It was noted that there is a damaged wall at Hillside. This has been caused when a tractor collided with the wall, unfortunately the driver left the scene without stopping.



Any restricted business



Date of next meeting


Confirmed as Wednesday 16th of October 2024, 7pm.


Meeting Closed:




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