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Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 20th September 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm

Minutes will be approved at the October meeting


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Moore, Cllr Kirkbride.

In attendance: Clerk, Two members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

The member of the public reported that the path by Reenes Way is overgrown. Responsibility lies with NCC so the matter can be reported via Fix My Street. 

Questions were raised about the second stage of the WeFibre installation. Cllr Dickson-Green delivered an update including that the project is currently seeking funding to cover the necessary underground ducting and that completion of the project will require challenging road closures. 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None

2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - None noted.

4. Minutes of August Meeting - agreed with above amendment

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The clerk has attempted to make contact with Tim Fish from NCC to coordinate work on path maintenance, progress has been hampered by Mr Fish’s annual leave. 

5.2 Exiam have commenced collecting litter in the centre of the village, plans to continue this with street cleaning equipment were discussed. 

5.3 The response to complaints about the parking bays in Manchester Street, were met with the information that they are standard width.  C.Cllr J. Riddle will be having a site meeting to discuss them and has been asked to keep BPC informed. It was noted that original plans did not show the individual bays so the council were not given an opportunity to comment on the width prior to the lines being painted.

5.4 Update to follow. 

5.5 New Christmas Lights have been purchased and are ready for use. 

5.6 A skip was at the allotments for two weeks allowing users time to clear the necessary compost.

5.7 The most recent safety reports for the play areas have been shared to Exiam maintenance and any issues addressed. 

5.8 Bolts that were previously loose in the play area equipment are no longer believed to need a more permanent adhesion. Situation to be monitored. 

6. Planning applications -

6.1 Decisions:  23/01820/FUL Land South West Of Burnside House Burnside Bellingham
Change of Use- Garage to Holiday Accommodation. GRANTED

6.2 Applications: 23/03212/FUL Expansion of Hareshaw Linn Car Park 

The council strongly support this application knowing the feeling locally about a need for parking. They would request that full signage accompany this development to ensure it’s impact and that the wooden sign also gets fixed. It was queried whether the grass overflow area could be utilised at times for local events. (CW to action comments). 

7. Finance

7.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Income from Toilet Honesty Boxes - £73.03
  • Precept Income - £17,998.50
  • Interest - £13.39
  • Allotments (donations towards skip) - £20
  • Allotment Fees - £25
  • Indoor Market (table hire) - £150
  • Cemetery income (Headstone) - £175


  • Expenses for Cllr Dickson-Green totalling £1161.31:
    • Postage - £1.10
    • Cemetery Show Poster - £24.42
    • Festive Lights - £667.79
    • Skip Hire - £468.00
  • C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £288.22
  • Dickinson’s (Headstone repairs): £2880
  • Northumberland Estates, Rent Public Toilets: £45.00
  • C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
  • Town Hall Rent: £20
  • Chris Mowatt - Grass Cutting: £957.60 

Bank balances (as of 11/09/23)

  • Current Account - £39,871.07
  • Cemetery Maintenance Fund - £6,940.42
  • Reserves Account - £11,271.49

7.2 Grant Application: Toni Williamson - Halloween and Christmas Parties. £250. This application will be supported in full subject to the following conditions. Promotional material must state that support was given from BPC and receipts for the purchases must be provided retrospectively. 

All income and expenditiure was approved

8. Correspondence -

8.1 A parishioner raised concerns over flooding on Hareshaw Burn, the clerk , having consulted EA, directed the parishioner to the appropriate department within NCC.  All council to monitor this situation and consider any preventative measures. 

9. Borderlands - Phase one is awaiting completion. 

10. Reports

10.1 Clerk: Itemised Kompan quote for play area.
Detailed plans of proposed changes to Jubilee Play area were shared ahead of the meeting, including a price comparison for similar equipment. The price was felt to be competitive given the high quality. Having canvassed the opinion of local children and taken into consideration the resident and visiting wheelchair users it was decided to go ahead with the playground improvements.  It was decided to ask for Kompan to also undertake all installation, streamlining the process and providing clarity over ongoing maintenance and liability.  Half of the £25,000 cost is to come from council funds with a Ray Wind Farm grant sought for the remainder. CW to action. 

10.2 Cllr D-G: Grounds Maintenance Contract Tender/Renewal
 The grass cutting contract is overdue for renewal.  All councillors are to consider what should be stipulated in the next tender ready for discussion in October. 

10.3 Cllr D-G: Christmas Lights Switch On
A new system will allow the village lights to turn on at once. An official ‘switch on’ is planned for Friday 1st of December. Its hoped the eldest person in the village and the local school children will attend. Cllr Kirkbride to liaise with school.  

10.4 Cllr D-G: Update on bin emptying and village tidying: Discussed above. 

10.5 Cllr D-G: New Playground Equipment Update: Discussed above.

10.6 Cllr D-G: Station Yard Update
North Tyne & Redesdale Community Partnership have made a formal application to create container storage, parking and office units. These plans would also allow the Heritage Centre to have a second carriage. The architectural benefits were discussed whereby the design would match the original style. The county council have first refusal for use of the land; so currently they are awaiting feedback form all their departments. 

10.7 Cllr D-G: Public Toilets Refurb/Maintenance
Recent damage to the park benches at Jubilee Field was recorded, eight new screws were used in the repair. The council requested Exiam repaint and add fresh logos to the benches, some planks will also need to be replaced. Fixing the benches to the ground was discussed and while BPC were reluctant to remove the option of families moving the benches together for large gatherings, the measure was agreed to as necessary to prevent further vandalism.
The toilet block has also been vandalised resulting in damage to the doors, broken lights and burns. CW to organise electricians to quote for lighting repairs, and price up new sinks and hand-dryers. Whether the toilets should be locked at night was discussed, it was decided to ask Fountain Cottage if they are able to assist in this to coincide with their own opening hours.  This could accompany signage to support the business as a form of sponsorship. 

10.8 Cllr Tilley: Karbon Homes grass cutting
The areas of grass which Kabon fail to cut or leave in a mess is being attributed to the council. Cut grass is not being removed. CW to complain to Karbon. The option of including these areas in BPC landscape tender will be explored providing suitable renumeration would be provided from Carbon. 

10.9 Cllr Irving: Speeding
The main thoroughfare of the village is still being subjected to vehicles, often industrial and agricultural, that are exceeding the safe limit. 

10.10 Cllr Irving: Parking at the Reed Hall
Badly parked cars by the gates of Reed Hall have been responsible for some near miss traffic collisions; they are also blocking pedestrian access to the path. CW to email the youth group as it appears the problem is worst during that evening. 

10.11 Cllr Irving: The allotments: Discussed above. 

11. Any Urgent Business

11.1 The grit bin at Percy Terrace has been observed to be unusable. CW to report on Fix my Street. 

11.2 It was noted this is due to be the final year for the Bellingham Fireworks unless alternative funding is secured. Costs are approximated at £2,000. Options such as sponsorship by local businesses are to be discussed at the next meeting. 

12. Restricted Business

Co-option of new councillors: review of applicants and discussion. 

No full applications were received ahead of the deadline. Councillors are asked to approach people they feel would fit the role. It was suggested to publicise more information about what the role entails and reopen applications. 

13. Date of next meeting

October 18th 2023


Meeting closed at 9pm.

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