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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 15th September 2021

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Riley, Cllr Brebner, Cllr Moore

In attendance: Clerk, one member of the public


Part A - Public Participation

The WI of Bellingham asked to plant two trees in the Jubilee Field next year - one for the centenary of the WI and one for the Platinum Jubilee. This was agreed, based on the trees being UK grown to avoid any disease or pest spread in the area.

NTRCP had relaunched the coach trips for seniors and noted that the first trips were nearly full, meaning that more might be put on in the future.

Bellingham In Bloom was looking to start planting bulbs in the planters round the village with early flowering tulips.

A local resident expressed concerns over the mix and scale of the social housing development proposed for the Mart Field site as well as concerns over the nature of shared ownership houses on the plans.


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Irving

2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - None noted.

4. July and August meeting minutes - agreed with no amendments.

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk noted that the safety ring checklist had been sent to Cllr Irving. The SLCC membership had not yet been taken out. Grass cutting issues had been discussed with the contractor regarding the cemetery and Fairstead cutting.

5.2 The war memorial details had been reviewed and it appeared that there had been an error on the inscription based on historic records. A local mason would be approached for quotes (Clerk to action). The Clerk had been in touch with Highways about the requested speed signs for Redesmouth Road - after a lot of chasing he had arranged a meeting with NCC to discuss.

5.3 The Clerk was awaiting replies from Sport Tynedale, as well as from Highways regarding grass cutting at Percy Terrace and road standing water at St Cuthbert’s church.

5.4 The quote for decorating the chapel had been accepted but the decorator had subsequently pulled out due to other work commitments. New contractors to be sought (Cllr Moore and Clerk to action).

5.5 Cllr Kirkbride noted that the Environment Agency was planning to investigate the area near Nichol’s Arch but that this was not likely to be for some time.

5.5 The Cart had arrived for the local handyman and branding stickers were agreed to be made for it (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

5.6 The council had received a free litter bin and proposed placing it outside the car park entrance to the Fairstead. To be discussed with local residents and placed (Clerk to action).

5.7 The Clerk also mentioned an update from Cllr Kirkbride that he had been in touch with Wark PC regarding starting a local speed watch in their parish. New training is currently suspended due to COVID.

5.8 All minor work and half of the larger memorials had now been made safe at the cemeteries and the remainder were hoped to be made safe within the next fortnight.

5.9 Cllr Moore was awaiting a strimmer to arrive to tackle the verges past Fountain’s Cottage. He also noted that a tree on the cemetery boundary was dead and it was agreed to contact the landowner to ask for its safe removal (Clerk and Cllr Moore to action).

5.10 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the signage for the lower cemetery and the notice boards for Redesmouth and Charlton were ready to go and would be installed shortly (Cllr Dickson-Green to action). It was agreed that the public consultation agreed at the July meeting would be used as the basis for the next Annual Public Meeting next May to give adequate time for preparation.

6. Planning applications -

6.1 The Parish Council received an update on the development at Noble Street and the Ombudsman report into failings in the planning process by NCC. However the Ombudsman did not have the authority to reverse the planning decisions. The Clerk noted that the recent substation application had been approved by NCC in spite of concerns raised by residents and the PC about safety and access. Councillors expressed concern over the apparent lack of action by NCC over the issues raised by the Ombudsman.

6.2 21/03415/FUL Land North of Mart Field, Bellingham

Councillors discussed the proposal at length. While the building of houses on the site was considered to be a foregone conclusion, there were a number of areas where errors were found in the planning documentation as well as serious concerns over some aspects of the development, based on feedback from residents. It was agreed for the Clerk to draft a formal reply to the planning process and circulate this to all councillors for review. This would then be published by the Parish Council on Facebook and the website, as well as the NCC planning portal, encouraging other residents to register their views with NCC on the planning portal as well (Clerk to action).

6.3 21/02630/FUL Hareshaw Linn Car Park

The Clerk noted that the new notice boards had been approved and that the PC would get part of the new board to put in a village map and business directory to encourage visitors to utilise the businesses in Bellingham when they visit the Linn.

6.4 Councillors also approved a proposed design for a gravestone at Croft Cemetery.

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses, bank balance and budget review

Income for the month:

  • Interest - £0.04
  • Podpoint (EV Charging income) - £382.08
  • Indoor Market fees (to date) - £60.00
  • Precept - £17,647.50
  • Cemetery fees - £175.00

Invoices to be paid:

  • B Dickson-Green (Clerk pay) - £179.00
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) - £957.60
  • E Taylor (handyman) - £551.15
  • DD Wave (water rates) - £44.00
  • N Green (Cleaning) - £130.00
  • Adam Peart (Jubilee Field path works) - £1,380.00
  • M Dickson-Green (advertising boards for market) - £73.69
  • PKF Littlejohn (external audit) - £240.00
  • Town Hall (meeting space and market) - £70.00
  • Glasdon (handyman cart) - £1,154.51

Cemetery Expenses:

  • NCC (cemetery make safe work) - £856.45

Bank account balances at 9/9 were:

  • Current account - £48,136.92
  • Jubilee Field account - £2,216.98
  • Cemetery maintenance fund - £1,700.87

Investment fund available at the end of September was approximately £22,283.56.

7.2 Completion of audit

The Clerk noted that the external audit had been completed and the only point noted was that a form had been signed with the wrong date by the Parish Clerk. The relevant sections of the AGAR and completion notices to be publicised by the Clerk (Clerk to action).

8. Correspondence

Some vulnerabilities had been found in the website by NCSC but these had been repaired by the web hosts.

Drop kerbs request had been sent to NCC Highways, but no reply had been received as yet. Highways had admitted to losing the transport priorities submitted by the Parish Council last year, but had said that the limited double yellow lining could be undertaken this year. The Clerk had sent details but this had not received a reply. It was agreed to discuss the priorities for the coming year at the next meeting in October (Action ALL).

The Clerk noted that NCC had finally put up fly tipping signage along the railway line after 6 months of chasing. The signs were unbranded and could be obtained for around £5 each online, so it is unclear what the delay was in sourcing them.

There had been issues raised regarding rubbish and animal smells from a house in the village but this had been forwarded to Environmental Health and dealt with.

The Clerk had been unable to discover the ownership of the drains under the Fairstead after lengthy discussions with all parties concerned. This had been left with Northumberland Estates as on balance it appeared they were their responsibility.

NCC had agreed to provide a recycling bin for the use of the village handyman. After debate they agreed to provide and empty it for free. The Clerk had contacted the handyman to let him know the rules around what could be put in the new bins.

A resident had been in touch to keep the parish council up to date with issues regarding the catchment area for the Middle School and had expressed frustration at the lack of movement and delays to meetings being held by Cllr Riddle.

The Clerk noted that the Fire Station had said that the community room was out of bounds for the foreseeable future to avoid any risk of COVID to the fire crews. It was uncertain when the room would become available again. As the Town Hall is providing the market at a heavily discounted price, it was agreed to move the parish council meetings to the Town Hall permanently as this would not cost the parish any more than it had been predicted to pay for the market alone (Clerk to action).

The Clerk had contacted Cllr Riddle about issues that the PC was facing when contacting key departments - highways, street cleaning and lighting. This was characterised by a lack of responses and lack of any ongoing updates or support. Cllr Riddle stated he had passed it onto the relevant Director in NCC, but they have not replied to the parish about this matter.

Councillors had been invited to the official opening/blessing of the steps at St Cuthbert’s. Any interested councillors to contact the Clerk to RSVP on their behalf. (All to action)

Wylam PC had asked about information regarding the rural broadband scheme. Cllr Dickson-Green had given them detailed information.

NCC is creating a free tree scheme which had been advertised by the PC on Facebook.

NCC has been in touch to see if the parish wished to arrange a meeting with Glen Sanderson, leader of the Country Council. It was agreed to ask for an early meeting to discuss key issues such as planning and communications (Clerk to action).

A resident had been in touch about the poor state of the planter next to the Bellingham sign on Redesmouth Road. It was agreed to get a quote to clear this planter and then look to replant with low maintenance shrubs (Clerk to action).

A resident had approached the Parish Council and asked if they would help co-ordinate the planned Christmas shopping/events night for the village. This was agreed (Cllr Dickson-Green and Clerk to action).

First and Last Brewing had been in touch and are looking to take over the old ambulance station and convert to a brewery, shop and event space. Councillors were supportive of the idea and had responded to this effect.

Cllr Kirkbride had spoken with a resident who had taken adverse possession of one of the old allotments adjacent to Hareshaw Burn and was looking to obtain a legal right of access to it over the golf club. Councillors felt that there was a risk that if anyone started legal action against Northumberland Estates, the informal access that all allotment owners currently enjoy could be revoked. However councillors stressed that the parish council has no legal link to the site and could not provide any advice on the subject.

The Clerk agreed to circulate a consultation relating to the planning checklist used by NCC (Clerk to action).

NCC had been in touch asking about whether the parish was planning on declaring a climate emergency and undertake work to deal with climate change. It was felt that it was not needed to declare a formal emergency by the Parish Council, but that it would extend its work on schemes to encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their environmental impact. There were several planned schemes to take forward. A reply to NCC is to be drafted (Clerk to action).

9. Reports

9.1 Cllr Wilkinson noted that the railing around the gun had become loose and he had fixed these to improve safety.Cllr Dickson-Green noted that after trying to obtain multiple quotes, only one final quote had been received for work at the chapel for around £1000 for plaster skimming and painting of the walls which were in poor repair. This was agreed by Councillors. (Clerk to action)

9.2 A Town Hall secretary had been found and was due to attend the next Town Hall meeting. Cllr Wilkinson also noted that the allotments were full but had a waiting list with 3 people on. He noted that an allotment had been reallocated due to a lack of use, and that they would allow a few small fires to burn the weeds in the overgrown plot.

9.3 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the last market had been a success with over 400 visitors and positive feedback from the traders and residents. All stallholders had expressed a desire to return, though September’s market had been extended to 18 traders and some of the traders would not return until October, so there were lots of new things for people to see. Cllr Brebner had been contacted by a trader who complained about not getting a space. The Clerk noted the trader in question had been offered a space, had not turned up to the first market and had been offered a space in September but had other commitments.

9.4 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that a number of other councils had provided water bottle filling points for visitors/cyclists in a bid to help reduce the use of single use plastic bottles. He suggested one was placed on the wall of the public toilets. The cost would be £505 plus installation. It was agreed to proceed with this as an extra service for locals and visitors (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

9.5 To help fund the toilets, it was agreed to source two honesty boxes for the walls on the public toilets and associated signage. This would be to encourage users to donate towards the upkeep. It was agreed for the low cost this would be worth trying. Cllr Moore raised concerns about the safety of emptying the boxes and the need for control of counting the cash receipts. Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the amounts would be small if counted regularly and the potential for income fraud would be negligible. It was agreed to put this onto the risk assessment online (Clerk and Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

9.6 It was agreed to consider further ways of marking the Platinum Jubilee next year. A beacon was considered to be impractical. However plans to plant trees at the Fairstead are advancing. Councillors to come back with ideas for the next meeting (All to action).

9.7 Signs at Brownrigg and Hillside are overgrown. Forestry would be asked to cut down the bushes at Brownrigg (Cllr Moore to action). The other sign would be passed to NCC (Clerk to action).

9.8 Cllr Tilley noted some subsidence in the path along the riverside walk. This was to be passed to NCC for repair (Clerk to action).

9.9 The Clerk updated councillors on the playground maintenance. Due to a lack of evidence of maintenance reviews there is a possibility that much of the warranty on the units is no longer valid. The Clerk has identified a weekly, quarterly and annual maintenance check that needs to be undertaken and a short online training course for whoever would undertake this for the PC. Cllr Riley offered to undertake this (Clerk and Cllr Riley to action). It was agreed that minor repairs would be undertaken by NCC’s team - who would charge £35 per hour- significantly less than Kompan who charge a flat minimum fee of £920 per visit (Clerk to action). Other repairs included the need to paint the railings at Briar Hill playground (Cllr Moore and Riley to action), consider how to tackle weeds at Briar Hill playground (Cllr Moore to action) and get appropriate signage for the playgrounds (Cllr Dickson-Green and Clerk to action). Grounds work at Jubilee Field would have quotes obtained, as would repair of the rotten upright post (Clerk to action). The flooring at Briar Hill would soon need replacing and the Clerk will get quotes for how to manage this (Clerk to action).

10. Any Urgent Business

None noted.

11. Next meeting - 20th October 2021, 7pm - Bellingham Town Hall

12. Restricted business

It was agreed to co-opt Brenda Huddleston onto the Parish Council.


Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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