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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.


Wednesday 16th October 2024, 7pm.  Bellingham Town Hall – Meeting Room.


Present: Clerk. Three members of the Public.
Councillors: Wilkinson, Tilley, Richardson, Armstrong, Moore, Turner, Knudsen, Irving


Part A

Public Participation


1.     Jane Morton of the Bellingham Practice and Caroline Clarke of Tynedale Church and Community Partnership explained about various local health initiatives. i. Bellingham is being designated a Dementia friendly village. Free training is available for any group or club who wish to make their activities more inclusive. ii. NCC have allocated funding to a creative initiative in Bellingham which will support arts related, community led events, which are free for the public to attend. Interested creative practitioners are needed. iii. Jane and Caroline have self-funded a project where the public have knitted red poppies. It was agreed that (although the Town Hall railings are unsuitable for safety reasons) the poppies can be hung around the railings surrounding the gun and towards the village centre. iv. There is a coffee morning on the second Thursday of each month. November’s meeting takes place at the Mercantile Hall and December’s will be at Falstone.

2.     Tynedale Church and Community Partnership have established a driving scheme to help locals make important journeys. They are looking for more volunteer drivers who will have to follow a multi-step process before beginning. Please contact CCP Tyndale directly via www.ccptynedale.or.uk or get contact details from the parish clerk.

3.     Bellingham PC could do more to support opening cycle paths if the correct paperwork was in place. Clerk to investigate.

4.     Litter is accumulating under the Bridge by the Boat road. It was suggested we make a sign. The council felt that unfortunately that would be ineffective.

5.     Report received that the Redesmouth junction end of the Riverside path is very muddy. The council question that this may need to wait for spring before improvements could be made

6.     The fence along the Riverside path which was discussed as part of the renovation does not seem to have been fixed. Clerk to follow up.


Part B





Apologies for Absence


Councillor Kirkbride.



County Councillor Report


None received.



Declarations of interest


No changes to report.



Minutes of the last meeting


Signed and agreed as correct.



Matters arising from the minutes

1.     Playground Maintenance – Cllr Moore met with Exiam and a paper trail will now be established, to be overseen and monitored by Cllr Moore. The time cost of vandalism was discussed, in future incidents will be reported by Exiam to Cllr Moore who will report them to the Police.

2.     Darcy & Co have completed the refurbishment of the gents toilets. Decoration by Michael Bell is underway. It was agreed to replace the external doors as the cost is equivalent to adding a large kick plate.

3.     Karbon have published plans which will prevent a full road closure. No objections raised.

4.     Plans are progressing for a walkaround with Karbon near Reenes Way. Clerk to monitor.









Decisions from NCC


23/03985/FUL Land North East Of Bridgeford View - construction of 26 houses. GRANTED


Notification of Appeal - 21/03910/FUL An appeal against NCC’s refusal of the convenience store at former mart site has been made to the Secretary of State.







Dickinson’s Funeral Directors - £835,




Exiam (Village Maintenance) - £218.16,Chris Mowatt (Landscaping) - £968,
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95,Natalie Green (Cleaning) - £199.33,
Brierley Maintenance (Street Cleaning - 40hrs) - £640,Town Hall Rent - £20, 
Plant Stakes - £16.99, Darcy & Co (Toilet Block refurbishment, 50% deposit) - £3240 PAID, Timber - £119.28, Calico (email hosting) - £24, Anglian Water £17, £4.
Town Hall EV repayment (£936.54) Donation for Fireworks (previously minuted and agreed), Darcy & Co (Toilet Block refurbishment, 50% final payment) - £3240, Michael Bell (30% deposit for work to toilet block) £354.


All expenses approved.


Bank Balances


£27,780.82, £7,034.36, £11,424.06


Donation Request –


Children’s Christmas Party – it was decided to grant £350 of the requested £590 and inform the group that they are free to ask for more if other funding streams fail to supply the necessary amount.





Hareshaw Linn leftover debris

The removal of some caravans near the path has left a very large mess. This has been reported to The National Park but it is not their land. Clerk to report to NCC – Environmental Health and add to agenda for monitoring.



MP Joe Morris – meeting

The office of Joe Morris has made contact, it was decided that a meeting would best held in the half an hour before one of the standard monthly meetings.


NCC - Flood sign placement

To close the road between Bellingham and West Woodburn in the event of the river Rede bursting its banks NCC are erecting road signs. These will be interactive and flood wardens will be in charge of their operation. They will be positioned just beyond Hareshaw Linn Caravan park where there is space for vehicles to turn back.


Chris Mowatt - updates

Prices can provided for two optional services. Removal of rubbish such as bagged leaves, use of the Billy Goat Street Cleaner. BPC felt neither were essential at this time. It was decided to fix the BPC owned Billy Goat.


Parishioner – Riverdale / St Oswald’s path

A request was received to clear the leaves and cut back overgrowth. The council felt that regretfully they must restrict the street cleaning to the central areas of the village.




Five competing schemes have been submitted from Bellingham. NCC have suggested Sport facilities can be funding via alternative methods and so these will not be looked at favourable.







Cllrs Armstrong & Wilkinson – Bellingham in Bloom

Cllr Armstrong will not be available to take over Bellingham in Bloom in the near future, due to not securing the help he had hoped for.


Cllr Knudsen - Questions for NCC regarding the approved Bellingham Mart site development

Cllr Knudsen is continuing to explore the full circumstances surrounding the approval of the mart site development. She is to draft a complaint and share with the council for approval.



Any urgent business

A parishioner enquired with a councillor about a caravan near Boat Road. This is a private matter. 



Any restricted business - None



Date of next meeting


Confirmed as Wednesday 20th of November 2024, 7pm.


Meeting Closed:



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