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Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 18th October 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm

Minutes will be approved at the November meeting


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Moore, Cllr Kirkbride.

In attendance: Clerk , 3 members of the public, one of whom was Tim Fish from NCC, present for section A only. 

Part A - Public Participation

i. The member of the public requested dropped kerbs for either end of the bridge over the North Tyne, also suggesting it was inconsistent to have a dropped kerb between the Bridge and the Cemetery. The Clerk was able to respond that NCC has within the last few months been contacted to ask for kerbs in that location. It was reported that the incongruous kerb was paid for by the Bellingham Show for use on Show day. 

ii. The issue of dumped tyres along the former railway line near the mart site was raised, items which have been there a long time. The merits of making such reports via Fix My Street was discussed, as this appears to create a permanent record of jobs and prompt a swift investigation. If she is informed of them the Clerk also offered to follow up these incidents between meetings in order to try and secure a faster resolution. Tim Fish offered to report this directly to NCC’s NEAT team. 

iii. It was said that not all members of the Partnership Committee were previously aware of the plans outlines in September’s Parish Council Meeting.  No BPC action necessary. 

iv. Tim Fish, the Area Countryside Officer from Northumberland County Council attended to consult about the Parish’s footpath priorities and future maintenance needs. Mr Fish confirmed that money was allocated from a recent budget which will allow a major renovation of the riverside path, although the work will be weather dependent and may not start for a while it will go ahead.  It was suggested that some of the Council have an on site meeting with Mr Fish in the Parish to discuss the needs along other local routes, an emphasis was made on planning ahead appropriately as it is very difficult for NCC to be reactive. It is possible to arrange for work to be undertaken by our landscaper in consultation with County Council and then seek to be reimbursed. Clerk and Council to action a meeting; request winter pruning as needed and decide if areas should be included in BPC landscape tender. 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Dickson-Green. 

2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - None noted.

4. Minutes of September Meeting - 5.3 Manchester ‘square’ corrected to Street. Otherwise signed as correct.  

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 See section A. 

5.2 The clerk explained that RWF will meet and discuss the initial application for the Play Area renovation on Thursday 19th and report back. Clerk to respond as needed. 

5.3 Plans to get an electrician to visit for assessment of the lights this month met with delays. Repairs to the sink unit in the Gents toilets are complicated by the electrical issues which must first be rectified. The clerk has made contact with the manufacturer of the sinks and a quote for a call out is due soon, although it is expected to be prohibitively expensive there are service plans available. Prices of up to £4,000 have been seen for new similar units so careful assessment of the situation is needed. It was suggested Wark Parish Council may be able to advise as they also maintain public toilets. Clerk to action.

5.4 Parking. Although the Clerk had productive conversations with the organisers of the youth group who use the Reed Hall and the information was shared, it was noted that a parent has parked dangerously on the corner once more. Cllrs to approach this individual informally.   

5.5 It was agreed to keep plans for the Christmas Light switch on in mind. Cllr Kirkbride to liaise with the schools and invite their attendance and input on the plans. 

6. Planning applications -

6.1 Decisions:  Listed Building Consent to: re-instate the property on a like for like basis. 3 King Street Bellingham Northumberland NE48 2AX (Mr M Crozier) GRANTED 

7. Finance

7.1 Income and expenses: Sept - Oct



  • Allotments 12B & 6B - £25 (20.09)
  • Allotments- donation towards skip - £20 (20.09)
  • Income from Toilet Honesty Boxes - £31.58
  • Unspent Grant money (Halloween Party) - £112.16
  • Interest - £6.40
  • Interest - £10.39
  • Dickinsons Cemetery Fees - £175
  • Advertising income - £45
  • PODT GBP - £148.77


Invoices paid:

  • Anglian water - £5 (02.10)
  • Anglian water - £4 (02.10)
  • Natalie Green - £154.34 (02.10)

Invoices to be paid (to date):

  • Expenses for Cllr Dickson-Green totalling £129.46:
    • -Replacement directory Posters - £119.48
    • -Bitstreamfont - £9.98
  • C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £466.04
  • Country Store - £117.04
  • Bellingham Town Hall (EV) - £491.66
  • C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51

Bank balances (as of 12/10/23)


  • Treasurers Account - £34,600.60
  • Cemeteries Account - £6,953.30
  • Reserve Account - £11,292.41


7.2 Grant Application: Amy Riley - Halloween and Christmas Party. £350.

It was decided to grant this application and ask that recites be kept for records and BPC be mentioned in the publicity. 

7.3 Audit: AGAR completion Statement. The Clerk read aloud the statement confirming that the Audit was completed this year. 

All income and expenditiure was approved

8. Correspondence -

8.1 Alex MacLennan: RallyMoto event 28th October.  An opportunity was given for the Parish Council to raise any concerns about this planned event. It was widely discussed including the lily speed of the vehicles. Having been given to understand this is a well organised and well established event, with the support of local businesses, which does not reward high speed driving the council had no further questions.

8.2 Resident: Trees on Foundry Lane. A member of the public reported that the trees on Foundry lane are obscuring the passage of large vehicles. After investigation over the responsibility the Clerk has organised that these be pollarded again. Clerk to request all Parish Trees to be addressed and include The Cherry Tree in the school car park as an auto of goodwill.

8.3 A complaint about the Gents Toilets sink and hand dryer being out of order was received. This is being addresses as seen above. 

9. Borderlands - Nothng to report.

10. Reports

10.1 Landscape Tender inc update re Karbon Homes

Changes to the tender were discussed at length. It was felt that the most recent tender provided a good basis for the new one but that the fixed length should be reduced.  The importance of being able to provide clear feedback and request a particular level of service was highlighted, with break out clauses included as necessary.  Discussion of how to incorporate a wildflower meadow was lengthy and it was agreed to approach Tim Fish to ask if it is possible for this to form part of the new riverside path. After the Clerk complained to Karbon Homes about ongoing issued with the standard of their cuts, the offer made to incorporate that work into our tender was rejected by Karbon as they are mid contract. The clerk is to write up the details of the tender and circulate for approval before advertising publicly. 

10.2 Cllr Moore Fireworks Display
BPC are unable to take on the job of the fireworks display and are given to understand that the current organisers are not seeking to continue even if the finical needs could be met. More modern alternatives such as soundless displays or use of Drones were mentioned. It was felt the school could be approached to take this over or a new organisation is required. 

10.3 Advertising in the Village

The council expressed their disappointment that a local business is using large advertisements to encourage multiple purchases of Vapes at a time when the hazards Vapes pose to youths is being very prominently reported. It was noted a different advertisement was badly positioned in the footpath blocking access for wheelchairs or pushchairs but this was relocated after a complaint was made. 

10.4 Cllr Irving: Speeding
As speeding of industrial vehicles continues to cause great concern it was suggested that given support a community speed watch could be explored again. Clerk to advertise on Facebook. 

10.5 Cllr Irving: Parking at the Reed Hall
Discussed above. 

11. Any Urgent Business

11.1 Cuddy’s Well Steps. These are noted to be irregular and a serious trip hazard. Clerk to ask National Park to reset them. 

12. Restricted Business

Co-option of new councillors: review of applicants and discussion. 

No new applicants. Councillors discussed possible candidates and plan to reconvene. 

13. Date of next meeting

November 15th 2023


Meeting closed at 8.50pm.

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