Wednesday 18th October 2023 - 7.00pm
Bellingham Town Hall
Community Room
Part A
Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Riddle Update
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of September Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Planning Applications
- 6.1 Notice- 3 King Street - GRANTED
7. Finance
- 7.1 Sep-Oct income, expenses, bank balances
- 7.2 Grant Application
- 7.3 Audit Completion
8. Correspondence
- 8.1 Alex MacLennan: RallyMoto event 28th October
- 8.2 Resident: Trees on Foundry Lane
9. Borderlands Updates
10. Notified reports
- 10.1 Clerk - Landscape Tender inc update re Karbon Homes
- 10.2 Cllr Moore - Fireworks display 2024
- 10.3 Cllr Richards - Advertising in the village
- 10.4 Cllr Irving - Speeding
- 10.5 Cllr Irving - Parking
11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting
12. Restricted Business
- Co-option of new councillors review of applicants and discussion
13. Agreement of date of next meeting - November 15th
Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda
5. Matters arising - updates required
- Liaise with Time Fish re Riverside paths
- Ray Wind Farm Fund Application re Play Area
- Update re Toilet Block refurbishment
- Parking at Reed Hall addressed
- Update re Christmas Light switch on
6. Planning Applications
- 6.1 3 King Street - GRANTED
7 Finance
- 7.1 Income and expenses - Sep-Oct
- Allotments 12B & 6B - £25 (20.09)
- Allotments- donation towards skip - £20 (20.09)
- Income from Toilet Honesty Boxes - £31.58
- Unspent Grant money (Halloween Party) - £112.16
- Interest - £6.40
- Interest - £10.39
- Dickinsons Cemetery Fees - £175
- Advertising income - £45
- PODT GBP - £148.77
Invoices paid:
- Anglian water - £5 (02.10)
- Anglian water - £4 (02.10)
- Natalie Green - £154.34 (02.10)
Invoices to be paid (to date):
- Expenses for Cllr Dickson-Green totalling £129.46:
- Replacement directory Posters - £119.48
- Bitstreamfont - £9.98
- C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £466.04
- County Store - £117.04
- Bellingham Town Hall (EV) - £491.66
- C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
Bank account balances as at 12/10/23:
Current account £34,600.60
Reserves Account: £11,292.41
Cemetery Maintenance Fund: £6,953.30
7.2 Grant Application: Amy Riley - Halloween and Christmas Party. £350.
7.3 Audit: AGAR completion Statement