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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 15th November 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm

Minutes will be approved at the November meeting


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, 

In attendance: Clerk, Five members of the public. 

Part A - Public Participation

i. Four members of the public attended to discuss the planning applications on the Agenda. The parish council were asked if they were directly consulted as part of the community consultation ahead of the Bridgeford View application- they were not. 

ii. Concerns over flooding below the Bridgeford View site were raised and discussed at length. It was observed that there has been a lot of land removed from the site, it is believed that this earth acted as a soak away. The timing suggests that the flash flood of the Redesmouth road and the school was likely worsened as a result. 

iii. Local levels of disappointment and consternation over the planning application at the mart site remains high. The details of which have been expressed in private correspondence to the County Council many times. It is strongly felt that correct due process as not been followed and that the decisions surrounding the site have been made to meet the needs of Northumberland County Council, the developer and not the community of Bellingham. 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Kirkbride. 

2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates.

4. Minutes of September Meeting - Signed as correct. 

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 A follow up appointment has been arranged between the clerk, 2 councillors and Tim Fish to discuss local footpath maintenance. 

5.2 The full application for the play area upgrade has now been submitted to Ray Wind Farm. 

5.3 A quote for repairing the damaged lights was discussed and approved by the council. Wark Parish are going to share details of a builder the recommend who undertook the work for their new toilet block. The price for the manufacturer to service the sink units was discussed, it has been decided to compare this with a full quote for new units.

5.4 The event to switch on the festive lights has been cancelled however the lights will be in place as usual.   

5.5 A quote for tree pruning is awaited, clerk to chase up. 

5.6 The draft of the landscape tender was approved. Clerk to put out to public tender.

5.7 Three volunteers have come forward following an appeal for help to combat speeding. Clerk to follow this up with the police and see if speed watch can resume. It as noted that BPC own a speed gun which is believed to be with Hexham Police, clerk to request Cllr Kirkbride follow this up. 

5.8 an appeal for new councillors was successful and several applications are to be discussed.

6. Planning applications -

6.1 Decision - 22/04648/VARYCO Foundry Farm. Use of site all year round. REFUSED

6.2 Application - 21/03910/FUL Construction of new convenience food retail store (Use Class E) with associated access, parking and landscaping.  Land At Former Bellingham Auction Mart. 

The council felt that concerns previously highlighted about this site were still pertinent and should be reiterated. 

6.3 Decision - 3/00298/COU Change of use, plumbers storage to personal storage. GRANTED

6.4 Application - 23/03985/FUL Construction of 26no. dwellings, detached garages and associated works - Land North East Of Bridgeford View

This application is opposed by the Parish Council on the grounds of the impact it is likely to have on local flooding.

7. Finance

7.1 Income and expenses: Oct - Nov


Allotment 3 - £25 (25.10)
Allotment 11 - £25 (29.10)
Pod Point - £552.95
Directory Advertising - £160 (26.10)

Invoices paid:


Anglian water - £5 (03.11)
Anglian water - £4 (03.11)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (30.10) 


Invoices to be paid (to date):

Mazars, External Audit - £300
Poppy Wreath - £tbc
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £454.03
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
Pod Point £9.97
Pod Point £20.75
C Woodcock Expenses - JT Dove (Play Area Materials top up) - £328.09

Bank balances (as of 12/10/23)

Treasurers Account - £33,433.50
Cemeteries Account - £6,953.30
Reserve Account - £11,292.41

All expenses approved. 

8. Correspondence -

8.1 Steven Flynn - ITV
ITV contacted the council to seek retrospective permission as the filming of Robson Green’s series earlier in the year used a section of the Jubilee Field. Permission was granted.

8.2 Play Area Maintenance
A complaint was received about the play area, namely that the chipping and sand levels were very low, and that the boards which hold back the clippings was broken. It was observed that this comment came after stormy weather which was believed to contribute to the problems. The bark chippings and sand have now been topped up. We have for a while sought a matching board to repair the wooden surround and this search continues. These boards are repeatedly replaced and damaged again as they are used as a bike ramp by the children.

8.3 William Wearmouth
The office of Guy Opperman sent an invite to the Tynedale Flood Forum. Clerk to find out if this is open to the public.

8.4 Precept 2024-25
An invitation to submit the Precept for next year has been received, matter is to add to next months agenda.

8.5 Councillor Resignation
Martin Dickson-Green has submitted written resignation from the council due to a change in work circumstances meaning he no longer has time to commit to the role. Edwin Wilkinson, former vice chair has offered to sit as Chair temporarily until the next AGM, all in agreement.

9. Borderlands - Nothng to report. Cllr Tilley to make contact. 

10. Reports

10.1 Cllr Irving - Broken Fence. 

A fence has been damaged near the riverside walk, it is believed to be the responsibility of NCC and will be reported to Tim Fish at the meeting scheduled with him.

10.2 Cllr Wilkinson - Excess Water. 

Excess water flowing from the area beneath the toilet block has been observed again. A blocked drain which may be contributing has been reported via Fix my Street. It is unclear where much of the water, which appears to flow downhill from above the toilets building is originating. Previously Northumbria Water have explored and denied it is theirs. Locals report the issue worsened after work on the mart field. 


11. Any Urgent Business

The steps between the Town Hall and the Black Bull have been found to be badly damaged. The matter has been reported via Fix my Street.

12. Restricted Business

Co-option of new councillors: review of applicants and discussion. 

Several applications have been received, full discussion was postponed until all Councillors are present. 

13. Date of next meeting

December 20th 2023, 7pm.

The clerk reported that she is unavailable in January and will not be able to prepare the agenda or attend the meeting. Cllr Tilley has offered to act clerk so a simplified meeting can go ahead following the usual schedule.

Meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

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