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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 16th November 2022

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Huddleston, Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Moore, Cllr Riley, Cllr Irving, Cllr Tilley

In attendance: Clerk, one member of the public

Part A - Public Participation


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Brebner

2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Tilley noted that graffiti on the bottle bank had been painted over thanks to an intervention by Cllr Riddle. 

3. Declarations of interest - None noted

4. October meeting minutes - agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Allotment rules were reviewed, prior to publication. Cllr Kirkbride identified some amends and it was agreed that a final version would be circulated prior to final publication. It was agreed to create two metal signs with the final version of the allotment rules for installation in the allotments themselves, as well as enclosing a copy with the fees letters to allotment holders. (Clerk to action) 

5.2 The Clerk noted several actions relating to communication with NCC Highways. It was agreed these would be emailed in with a number of other queries to be raised in the current meeting.  (Clerk to action).

5.3 The corrections had been made to the war memorial and the council had been contacted by a relative of one of the servicemen affected by this to express their thanks. The Clerk was also waiting for quotes for the identified repairs to memorials in St Cuthbert’s. (Clerk to action) 

5.4 Kompan had not yet come back to the PC to make final repairs to the Zip Wire and this was to be raised with them. (Clerk to action).

5.5 It was noted that the new surface for the path in the Jubilee Field had started to wear away in places and this was to be raised with the contractor (Clerk to action). Cllr Moore also noted that he was awaiting a first draft of the proposed lease for the Fairstead, but this was taking some time to receive from Northumberland Estates (Cllr Moore to action). 

5.6 Cllr Dickson-Green reported that preparations had started for the installation of the Christmas lights through the village, with a switch on in the w/c 28th November. With the new NTRCP Wi-Fi in the village, it could be possible to have a formal lights switch on. Cllr Huddleston agreed to discuss the possibility of installing a hook for the Christmas lights with a local resident (Cllr Huddleston to action).

5.7 Cllr Kirkbride reported that a new scheme had been started by the Police for the Community Speed Check. Details of this were to be advertised. (Clerk to action)

6. Planning applications -

No planning applications had been received. 

Cllr Dickson-Green noted that he had been informed that the lining of the parking spaces would be undertaken by NCC shortly. 

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses, bank balance and budget review

Income for the month:

  • Interest: £0.71
  • Indoor market income: £90.00
  • Toilet honesty box: £24.48
  • Allotment fees: £25.00
  • Cemetery fees: £925.00

Invoices to be paid:

  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £189.74
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) = £957.60
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £668.93
  • Town Hall (rental for Nov) = £70.00
  • DD - Wave (water rates) = £19.00
  • N Green (cleaning) = £137.80
  • Bellingham Country Store (consumables) = £161.69
  • A Graham (chapel window sills) = £260.00
  • M Dickson-Green (expenses) = £337.80
    • Stationery (book of condolence): £10.05
    • Chapel materials: (skirting, floor seal, paint): £327.75
  • Elsdon Memorials (war memorial) = £414.25

Bank account balances at 16/10/21 were:

  • Current account - £39,453.85
  • Jubilee Field account - £2,217.69
  • Cemetery maintenance fund - £5,086.89

7.2 External Audit

The external audit had been finalised and had no issues raised. This was to be publicised. (Clerk to action)

7.3 Grant Requests

Grant requests for £150 for the NTRCP over-60s Christmas dinner and for £400 for the Bellingham Parish Children's Party were agreed by Councillors. 

It was agreed to pool information on other funding sources that would be available to local groups and publicise these on the website (Cllr Kirkbride and Clerk to action).

7.4 Reserves transfer

It was agreed to transfer the total reserves per the relevant policy to the Jubilee Field account, raising more interest and making interpretation of the amount available for investment easier. (Clerk to action)

8. Correspondence

8.1 NT&RCP expressed its thanks for the PC’s donation to the Community Pantry. It was noted that over 1 tonne of food had been shared over the first three months and prevented from being put into landfill. 

8.2 A resident had asked the PC to consider the creation of a skate park. It was agreed that this would be raised with the local schools to see how many children would be interested in such a scheme. (Cllr Kirkbride to action)

8.3 A resident had raised concerns over the delay to NCC's report into school transport. A copy of the BMS newsletter had also been received and was to be publicised. (Clerk to action)

8.4 The Parish had received a query from NCC relating to existing licensing rules. No concerns were raised regarding these. 

8.5 A resident had raised concerns over overhanging bushes onto Percy Terrace. It was agreed to ask for the relevant households to cut them back. (Clerk to action)

8.6 Details had been received regarding funding for tree planting. This was to be forwarded onto Cllr Moore for information (Clerk to action).

8.7 NCC had sent an update on Highways developments in the Parish. 

They had completed improvements to signage and road markings to reduce traffic speed between Shiel Law and White Wall Nook. While Councillors agreed that these were useful, it was agreed to contact NCC and explain that they made no difference whatsoever to the problems of traffic speeding through the village centre. (Clerk to action)

NCC was unable to put any warning signs at Briar Hill regarding the playground as it did not meet the legal requirements to do so.

NCC had also noted that they would not put a 30mph init on the C202 through Redesmouth as it was not built up enough to meet the criteria to do so. They would consider putting up ‘Please Drive Carefully’ signs, but this would not be until next year. The Clerk had passed this information onto relevant Redesmouth residents, who would be seeking a meeting with Cllr Riddle to discuss this. 

Councillors also requested that NCC be contacted and asked to clear the paths to Riverdale of leaves as these were hazardous. NCC were also to be asked about resurfacing this stretch of pavement. (Clerk to action)

8.8 Bellingham Surgery had been in touch to express resident concern over the state of the pavement between the surgery and the Jubilee Field, along with poor lighting and overhanging bushes. This was to be raised with NCC. (Clerk to action).

8.9 NCC had provided an update regarding the kerbside glass recycling scheme they are trialling. The scheme was deemed to be a success and was being extended to food waste. However there was no time frame given for these being rolled out to any other areas.

8.10 NCC has invited Councillors to a climate event on 8th December in Blyth. This was to be forwarded to Councillors to allow them to book if interested. (Clerk to action) 

8.11 First and Last Brewery had invited Councillors to their opening event - this invitation was to be circulated by the Clerk. (Clerk to action)

8.12 A former resident had asked if the PC would repair a gravestone smashed by a falling tree in the storms over winter. It was agreed that this was the responsibility of the plot holder and that the Parish could not pay for this to be undertaken as the monument was safe. 

9. Borderlands

Concerns were raised regarding the process of how money was to be allocated in the project, with a proposed one month window for projects to be applied for - even though funding would be provided over up to a ten year period.  this. (Clerk to action)

10. Reports

10.1 King's Coronation

10.1.1 It was agreed to create a small group of Councillors to generate ideas for this event and feed back to future meetings. (Cllr Huddleston, Brebner and Tilley to action)

10.2 Playground maintenance and upgrades 

10.2.1 It was agreed to look for a contractor to spend 1 hour per week checking the playgrounds and undertaking basic maintenance, as well as filling in relevant forms. Any costs incurred in this could be authorised by the Clerk. (Clerk to action)

10.2.2 Councillors discussed a possible replacement for the tyre play area, but it was agreed to repair this with packed sharp sand (Cllr Moore to action)

10.3 Cemetery Chapel

10.3.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted the renovations had been largely completed to the cemetery chapel in time for Remembrance Sunday. It was agreed to add a small plaque referring to the renovation. It was agreed to purchase a ramp for disabled access for £129.99 (Cllr Dickson-Green to action). Costing for a new bench in the cemetery was to be undertaken. It was agreed to pay £999 for a rechargeable battery and £41.98 on LED lighting for the chapel. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

10.3.2 Councillors were unsure of a fair rental price for the chapel and it was agreed to review rates charged by other nearby chapels. (Clerk to action)

10.4 Percy Terrace Steps

10.4.1 Cllr Irving noted that these were unlit and were hazardous for residents to use in the dark. It was agreed to raise this with Highways. (Clerk to action).

10.5 Clubs Expo

10.5.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that NTRCP was looking to help support local clubs and events by hiring the Town Hall in January for an event showcasing all the clubs, events and activities in the local area. He requested that Councillors identify any clubs they are aware of (and their contact details) and send them to the Clerk to help support this. (Action ALL)

10.6 Market Update

10.6.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the coming Saturday would be the Christmas Market and that there had been a lot of interest in this from traders. It was agreed that the market would be rested until March/Easter 2023 as experience had shown last year that footfall was insufficient in those months. (Clerk to action)

11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting

Cllr Moore raised a query about possible antisocial behaviour at night in the Jubilee Field playground pavilion. It was agreed to discuss whether a security light on the nearby Fire Station could be repositioned to cover this. (Cllr Kirkbride to action)

Cllr Kirkbride noted that a quad bike had been stolen from Bellingham during the week. It was agreed to publicise a general warning for residents to be vigilant. It was also agreed to look at the feasibility of  the Parish running CCTV in the village for future reference. (Clerk to action)

Cllr Dickson-Green reported that a local resident had donated £350 to the chapel renovation, but wished to remain anonymous. He agreed to pass on the PC's thanks. 

12. Date of next meeting December 21st 2022.

Meeting was closed at 8.46 pm.

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