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Minutes of Parish Meeting - 17th November 2021

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 6.30pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Moore, Cllr Brebner, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Riley, Cllr Huddleston, Cllr Irving, Cllr Kirkbride

In attendance: Clerk, Cllr Riddle, 3 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

Representatives from NCC attended to give a presentation to the Parish Council regarding the Borderlands funding opportunities and how the process for this would be undertaken. Councillors to put forward their interest in becoming part of the Borderlands Board for Bellingham by email to the Clerk by the end of the week (Action all).

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None

2. County Councillor Report -

Cllr Riddle discussed parking issues within Bellingham. He stated that there had been a plan advanced by Highways regarding improving parking in the village centre, but this had been sent back for amendments. Cllr Riddle noted the process was slow but ongoing.

Parking at Hareshaw Linn was being discussed in principle with the National Park. Discussions were ongoing over funding as well as possible issues with legal disputes over land. Electric car chargers are still planned for the centre of Bellingham but it is uncertain when these will be installed. More resurfacing along Otterburn road was planned next year but there would be resurfacing work on West Woodburn road within the next couple of weeks. Concerns were raised with Cllr Riddle about the poor condition of the road markings throughout the village.

Cllr Riddle also noted that the catchment area for Bellingham Middle School was still being debated within NCC. Concerns raised by the PC with NCC regarding a lack of communication from key departments was being actioned and a reply was expected to be sent shortly to the PC.

3. Declarations of interest - Cllr Brebner, Cllr Riley and Cllr Huddleston noted interests in the proposed Mart Field retail development planning and stated they would not participate in discussions on this.

4. October meeting minutes - agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk noted that he had contacted NCC Highways regarding the road surface between Manchester Square and the Boat Road and they would look into the state of the road surface. He had also enquired about a crossing at Station Yard and safety signs at the school and at Briar Hill. No response had been received about these matters. It was agreed to proceed with the signs outside the school (Cllr Riley to action) which would tie in with a proposed reduction of the speed limit to 20mph.  The signage at Briar Hill would be referred to Cllr Riddle to see if it would be more effective to look at putting a hump in the road to slow traffic entering the estate (Clerk to action).

5.2 Quotes had been received for the refurbishment of the chapel. It was decided to accept a quote from Plastering Direct for £2,229.60 plus the cost of materials (Clerk to action).

Playground repairs were in progress. NCC was able to undertake all the necessary work with the exception of the replacement of the rotten posts, with another contractor being sought for this work (Clerk to action).

5.3 The PC’s reply on the Mart Field housing development had been posted onto the planning portal.

5.4 The Board of Governors for Bellingham schools had been contacted about the possibility of a vacant governor position being taken by two councillors on a job-share basis, but they had been uncertain about this being suitable. As such it was agreed for Cllr Kirkbride to offer to take the vacant governorship position (Clerk, Cllr Kirkbride to action)

5.5 The Clerk had not yet ordered an arrow for the Briar Hill signs and this was a point to carry forward. (Clerk to action) A dementia charity had been contacted to obtain an information pack for review.

5.6 The Clerk had received confirmation from NCC that they would be undertaking dog waste enforcement patrols in Bellingham to discourage people from not cleaning up after their pets.

5.7 The Clerk had sourced a cabinet for a defibrillator at Station Yard and this was on order to arrive in 4-6 weeks.

5.8 Strimming of the verges past Fountains Cottage was to be undertaken on Sunday (Cllr Moore to action) and clearance of overgrown shrubs at Brownrigg was to be revisited in the new year. Painting of the railings at Briar Hill was to be delayed until January due to volunteer workload.

5.9 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the notice boards for Redesmouth and Charlton were still outstanding (Cllr Dickson-Green to action) and the water fountain would be installed shortly - the delay due to contractor scheduling. The BMS letter had been signed up for to allow for increased publicity.

5.10 The Parish Christmas tree for St Cuthbert's had been purchased and decorations to be agreed (Cllr Riley, Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

6. Planning applications -

6.1 21/04362/LBC Replacement Windows and Doors, 1 West View

Councillors had no objections.

6.2 21/03415/FUL Land North of Mart Field, Bellingham

Councillors agreed to express concerns over aspects of the proposals, including: ensuring the new store is not isolated from the rest of the village to minimise impact on existing businesses, concerns over drainage and site contamination issues, the design quality of the building not being in keeping with the local area and the signage - in particular the totem signage which was felt to be out of keeping with a village setting in a dark sky zone. (Clerk to action)

6.3 Councillors also approved a design for a new gravestone applied to be erected in the Croft cemetery.

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses, bank balance and budget review

Income for the month:

  • Interest - £0.04
  • Indoor Market fees - £60.00
  • Memorial plaque - £100.00
  • VAT refund - £1,515.64
  • Honesty box - £9.52


Invoices to be paid:

  • B Dickson-Green (Clerk pay) - £179.00
  • B Dickson-Green (expenses) - £86.74
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) - £957.60
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £553.48
  • DD - Wave (water rates) = £44.00
  • N Green (cleaning) = £130.00
  • NCC (rates for cemetery) = £286.77
  • Town Hall (electricity) = £255.00
  • Defib4Life (defibrillator sign and cabinet) = £519.59
  • Wark RBL (Remembrance Day wreath) = £17.99
  • M Dickson-Green: £220.22 made up of:
  • 3x AO Christmas signs - £69.41
  • Christmas Tree for St Cuthbert's display - £48.00
  • Brass plaque - £27.95
  • Plaque fittings - £11.50
  • Wifi Stickers - £25.00
  • Market Banner - £38.36

Bank account balances at 16/10/21 were:

  • Current account - £41,264.35
  • Jubilee Field account - £2,217.04
  • Cemetery maintenance fund - £1,234.25

Investment fund available at the end of September was approximately £21,960

7.2 Grant Requests

A grant request for £600 towards advertising for a Christmas Timber Wagon parade through the area was not able to be accepted due to much of the benefit being outside the area of the Parish. It was agreed that the PC would ensure that the event was advertise the event to all residents through its newsletter and social media, as well as using links to local media. (Clerk to action)

A grant request for Bellingham Toddlers Group for £450 for toys and storage was approved. The Group was to be contacted for specific items lists for the Parish to purchase. (Clerk to action)

The PC turned down a request for grant funding for Hexham Hospice as it was outside of the Parish, however the hospice was to be offered advertising through parish social media to raise awareness amongst local residents. (Clerk to action)

7.3 Budget - 2022/23

The proposed budget was presented to Councillors to aid in precept decisions in December. Cllr Dickson-Green noted that decisions would also have to be taken on pricing for Parish services at the next meeting and this would be reflected in a finalised budget being created based on these decisions.

Cllr Kirkbride noted that the Platinum Jubilee was approaching and the PC needed to finalise plans to mark this. It was agreed for all councillors to bring forward plans at the next meeting. (Action ALL) Clerk to contact Northumberland Estates and ask if proposals to use the space would be acceptable even without a transfer of the Fairstead lease to the PC. (Clerk to action)

8. Correspondence

8.1 A consultation on licensing policy for Northumberland had been received. This was to be circulated to all councillors for their review. (Clerk to action).

8.2 The PC had been contacted by Northumberland Domestic Abuse Services asking for support for White Ribbon Day. Any Councillors interested in supporting this event to pass their details to the Clerk.

8.3 A resident had emailed praising the PC’s comments on the Mart Field housing development proposals. Complaints had been received from visitors that the car chargers on the back of the Town Hall were being blocked by hybrids who were remaining plugged in for many hours after their batteries were full.

8.4 Confirmation had been received that the MURC would be have a brass band, carol singers and a nativity scenes exhibition on the Christmas shopping night on 8th December.New interpretation boards were planned at St Cuthbert’s church as part of the new walks. Final details of these were still being finalised by the PCC.

8.5 Carer’s Rights Day is on 25th November. It had been asked if the PC could advertise this event to help locals who may be caring for loved ones identify any support they may be entitled to. (Clerk and Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

8.6 Some residents were undertaking a Sleep Out event in Bellingham Village centre to raise money for homeless people in Newcastle. The PC had already advertised this event and expressed their support but asked that it started an hour later after the end of the shopping event as it was uncertain how busy the streets would be at this time. However, they suggested fundraising could be done throughout the shopping evening. (Clerk to action)

8.7 A consultation had been received from NALC regarding changes to Environmental Health laws which would reduce the remaining cemetery capacity in Bellingham by around 50%, as well as making ground source heating more difficult to gain permission for. The Clerk was to reply to the consultation setting out the PC's concerns over the impact of these changes. (Clerk to action)

9. Reports

9.1 Cllr Irving noted that some residents had expressed concern that an ash tree in the lower cemetery at St Cuthbert’s was diseased. Cllr Moore to view the tree and check this. (Cllr Moore to action)

9.2 Cllr Irving noted that accessing the speed gun for the speed watch had become impossible and a new one was needed - as well as new volunteers to be trained. Cllr Kirkbride suggested a new speed gun could be stored at the police/fire station until needed. (Cllr Irving, Cllr Kirkbride to action)

9.3 Cllr Tilley noted the steps between the Town Hall and the Gun were very dark at night and uneven and suggested that lighting needed to be considered. It was agreed to refer this to Cllr Riddle to see if NCC’s lighting department would consider this.  (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)Cllr Huddleston noted that she had been passing on details of the Christmas Tree display at St Cuthbert’s church to local organisations. The cost was £10 and this went to charity. If anyone could think of businesses who had not received a leaflet they can let Brenda know and she will get a form to them. It was agreed that the PC would also enter a Christmas tree this year. (Cllr Riley, Cllr Dickson-Green to action) There was discussion of the proposed timber wagon procession and it was hoped this would not be on the same night as the Christmas shopping night to avoid congestion.

9.4 Cllr Dickson-Green suggested that, as last year, the PC could purchase printed cards to give out to local businesses and people who have supported the PC during the year. It was agreed to expand this anyone else in the village who was felt to have made a positive contribution to the viallge in the year. Cllrs to send names to the Clerk so a list can be made. (Action ALL)A Christmas newsletter was approved to be sent round with details of the Christmas lights and Christmas events in the village. Cllr Riley noted that the schools would not be able to offer their choirs for the Christmas shopping evening due to COVID.  A resident had suggested that the PC ran a ‘best decorated house’ and ‘best decorated business’ competition over Christmas for the village. This was agreed, on the understanding that the winner would be via public votes rather than formal judging. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

9.5 Due to complaints from users about chargers being blocked by cars being plugged in for long periods in spite of being full, Cllr Dickson-Green proposed changing the charging structure on the chargers to a time-based model instead of a per kWh as was currently the case. This would encourage users to move their car when it was full, freeing up space for other users. This was agreed and would be advertised until 1st December when the new structure would come into action. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

9.6 Cllr Irving stated that he was still waiting to hear if the Fire Service would allow the PC to install an external defibrillator on the side of their building. Councillors agreed to fund the purchase of the cabinet, sign and installation for this location if permission was granted. It was agreed to consider purchasing a defibrillator to keep in the car of the local Special Constable - this was to be considered at a later date. (Cllr Irving, Clerk to action)

9.7 Cllr Dickson-Green reminded Councillors to consider if there were any names they wished to put forward for a Freeman award. Any nominations to be sent to the Clerk in advance of the next meeting. It was noted that it was for exceptional work in the village and there was no guarantee that anyone would be nominated each year. Councillors were reminded that any nominations were strictly confidential. (Action ALL)

10. Any Urgent Business - None

11. Next meeting - 15th December 2021, 7pm - Bellingham Town Hall (Meeting Room)


Meeting closed at 9.26pm.

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