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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 15th May 2024

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 6.30pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Turner, Cllr Armstrong, Cllr Knudsen, Cllr Irving

In attendance: Clerk, 1 member of the public

Annual meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 

1. Chairman’s report - read aloud by Councillor Wilkinson, a copy of the report will be uploaded to the website.

2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair - Cllr Tilley proposed Cllr Wilkinson as Chair, seconded by Councillor Armstrong this motion past. Cllr Tilly was proposed as Vice Chair by Cllr Turner seconded by Cllr Irving, this motion passed. 

3. Discussion of policy amendments as needed - no changes were felt necessary. 

Public participation and feedback from parishioners -none

Annual General Meeting

Part A - Public Participation

After a discussion of the North Tyne and Rede Partnership, it was agreed to invite them to speak at a parish council meeting to explain the current projects and more about how their organisation is structured. CW to action.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting 

Apologies for Absence - Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Moore

County Councillor Report - none received

Declarations of Interest - no changes

Minutes of April meeting - agreed as correct with no changes. 

Matters Arising from the Minutes
5.1 Village Cleaning contract update- no applications have as yet been received advertising to continue. A community letter pick was discussed. A letter will be sent to local businesses asking them to tidy the space in front of their own property. CW and Cllr. Turner to action.
5.2 Toilet Refurbishment update - a quote from Darcy and Co for the replacement of urinals was discussed. An amendment was agreed so that wood rather than plastic will be used. CW to action adjusting the quote and scheduling the work to go ahead. The painting was discussed, and some clarification sort over the spec of the job. Cllr Turner to action.
5.3 the new equipment in Jubilee play area has been installed. The safety fence should be removed very soon. A quote for repairs to the large climbing frame will be sent from KOMPAN.
5.4 Road closure updates plans to close the main road for six weeks are postponed while further investigation takes place.
5.5 North Tyne Rede Partnership - covered under public participation

Planning Application
6.1 NCC decision - 24/00732/FUL 21 Westlands Bellingham Northumberland NE48 2DW - GRANTED

    7. Finance

7.1 Finance income and expenditure:
Allotment Fees - £12.50

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £17 (01.05)
Anglian water - £4 (01.05)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (30.04) 

Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £324
Kompan - £15,479.96
Natalie Green - Additional hours - £44.99
Hexham Courant advert - £61.34
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95

Bank Accounts as of 09/5/24
Treasurers Account - £43,039.22
Cemeteries Account - £6,998.74
Reserve Account - £11,366.21

All expenses authorised

7.2 Audit Paperwork - the internal audit by time read accountants is complete. Accordingly, the council discussed and approved all the necessary statements. Clerk and Chair have signed the paperwork accordingly.


8.1 WI - 80th Anniversary of D Day - BPC received a query about whether any events were planned for D day. It was felt too late to be able to action this now.

8.2 Environment Agency - notice has been served to the council that the environment agency intend to inspect local flood defences. This will require access to areas along the Hareshaw burn.

8.3 The County Council shared news that BT are holding Drop in sessions in where the public can find out more about the removal of copper lines. Currently these will take place on Friday, June 14th and Monday, June 17th at Hexham marketplace from 9 am until 3pm. A response has been made to request a meeting or drop in event be held in Bellingham. Cllr Knudsen to action following this up. 

RAMP / Borderlands update - a meeting will be held in June.


10.1 Cllr Armstrong - Allotment Practices
An approach has been made by parishioners concerned that not all of the rules are being followed at the allotments. It was noted that the rules are clearly displayed for all holders to see.

10.2 Cllr Wilkinson - Town Hall Insurance
It was agreed to grant a donation to cover the cost of Town Hall insurance at £1,569. 51. CW to action setting up a payment.

10.3 Cllr Knudsen - Protocol for dialogue with NCC
It was queried whether there is a particular contact at NCC, who deals directly with parish councils. The Clerk does not think that there is, usually contact is made directly to the appropriate department for each issue, this is met with mixed success.

Any Urgent Business - 
11.1 The issue of planning permission for large garden buildings was discussed. Research suggests many structures do not require planning permission. It is hoped that all developments within the parish are done so responsibly by parishioners, with respect to neighbours and planning laws.
11.2 another consultation is currently taking place for the development above Briar Hill, indeed for local homes only.  It was noted there is still no mention of flooding downhill within the paperwork and that much of the information about the land there appears out of date. CW to add planning comments.

Restricted Business - none

Agreement of date of next meeting - June 19th, 7pm. Meeting room. 


Meeting closed 7.52



This is a draft and subject to change.
Clerk: Christine Woodcock, 44 Brierley Gardens, Otterburn. 


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