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Minutes of Parish Meeting - 19th May 2021

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 6.30pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Riley, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Moore, Cllr Irving

In attendance: Clerk, four members of the public


Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

1. Selection of Chair

Following a vote by all councillors and ratified by the outgoing Chairman, Cllr Dickson-Green was elected as Chairman.

2. Freeman of Bellingham Parish Award

Following a resolution by Cllr Dickson-Green to do so, the outgoing Chairman David Allen was awarded the honorary title of Freeman of the Parish of Bellingham in recognition for his 25 years of service to the parish. This was passed unanimously.

3. Selection of Vice Chair

Cllr Wilkinson was elected as Vice Chair.

4. Acceptance of office/DOI forms

The Clerk circulated relevant documents for signature and completion by all councillors.

5. Review of risk analysis and policies

The Clerk noted that it was best practice to review the risk assessment and policies of the Parish Council on an annual basis. Clerk to circulate link to the policies on the parish website for all councillors to review. In addition the Clerk to circulate NALC standing orders and financial regulations for review by councillors. Cllr Kirkbride suggested policies on the website should have a reviewed date, along with a monthly standing point on the agenda regarding risks. This was agreed. The Clerk also circulated a copy of the new NALC Code of Ethics for review for the next meeting.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council concluded at 6.54pm.



May Meeting

Part A - Public Participation

One resident raised some repairs needed in the Jubilee Field play area. The clerk is to try and locate the key for tightening the zip wire and other repairs to be reviewed by Cllr Moore.

A resident raised the issue of a tree having been planted without authorisation in the Jubilee Field. The council confirmed they had not been consulted about this. The resident also mentioned that camper vans had been staying overnight in the Jubilee Field car park and it was agreed to source a ‘no overnight parking’ sign for the car park.


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None


2. County Councillor Report - None received. It was agreed to send Cllr Riddle a congratulatory letter on his re-election in May and to ask for him to attend on a quarterly basis to provide updates/deal with wider council issues relating to the village


3. Declarations of interest - This was raised within the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.


4. Minutes of April Meeting - agreed with no amendments. It was agreed to bring forward the production of the minutes each month so that draft minutes could be placed online and in the notice board to aid transparency for local residents, making the minutes published more up to date.


5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk had purchased a safety ring for Jubilee Field and was awaiting delivery.

The Clerk had also finished transcription work on the list of burials and sent this to NCC meaning that the Croft cemetery safety checks were now about to start. A notice will be put up at the cemetery by NCC and safety inspections will begin around 6 weeks after this. Information on the agreed price of burial of ashes had been publicised and quotes for resurfacing the paths at the cemetery had been requested.

NCC had been contacted regarding speeding outside the school. They stated that the limit would be lowered to 20mph shortly. They also mentioned that the parish would be asked for its transport priorities for the coming year next month at which point feedback would be given on the previous year’s priorities. The Clerk had also been in touch with a local coach company and reminded them of the need for them to obey the speed limit when transporting children on the school run. Cllr Riley suggested looking at shapes of children being installed on the school walls, as per several other schools.

Parking bays at Westlands were discussed, with the Clerk noting that the fire brigade has not raised safety concerns when approached, though Cllr Riley noted that this did not apply to the square itself. It was noted that the parish could not fund new parking spaces itself and did not have any control over the land, but that parking is an ongoing problem. It was agreed to raise this with NCC to see if they would be willing to look at parking in this area.

The Clerk had publicised the free parking for local residents at Kielder car parks scheme, as well as the upcoming Annual Parish Meeting.

The Clerk had received a quote for £1,000 + VAT to widen and gravel all the paths in the Jubilee Field. It was agreed to ask for a quote to just widen the existing paths and edge them to remove overgrowing grass.

The Clerk had been in touch with the diocese to discuss drainage at the Rectory and issues with flooding of the riverside path. The diocese were looking to clean out the drains under the path and the Clerk was to put them in touch with NCC to discuss wider drainage issues.

NCC had been contacted regarding fly tipping signage due to the ongoing delay in receiving this for the old railway line. They had said they would look into it further.

5.2 Cllr Moore gave details of a meeting with representatives of Northumberland Estates and the Golf Club regarding the Fairstead. The Parish Council has been offered the lease to the Fairstead land for £50 per annum on the understanding that the current track used by some vehicles to access the allotments is moved and work is done to ensure that no access rights are formally granted to any users. Concerns were raised over the ongoing costs of managing the site if leased, as well as the need to consider possible works to make the site more usable for local residents and improve the look of the village. It was agreed to look at the proposals from Northumberland in more detail when received and undertake a cost benefit analysis based on this and quotes for any works needed.

5.3 Cllr Kirkbride had been in touch with the Environment Agency regarding waste dumping near Nichols Arch and inspectors were going to visit the site to review this.

Cllr Kirkbride had also made contact with several members of the local speed watch volunteers and would look at getting it restarted imminently.

5.4 Cllr Dickson-Green confirmed that he had bought two ‘no fire/barbecue’ signs for the Jubilee Field.

5.5 After discussion it was agreed to hold the next monthly parish meeting at the Town Hall due to social distancing. After this it will revert to being held at the Fire Station as this is a free location.


6. Planning applications -

21/00029/LBC - listed building consent for works to Bellingham Town Hall - this had been supported by councillors.

21/00199/FUL - porch at Haining Head - a decision had been received that this had been approved.


7. Correspondence

7.1 A resident had asked about a possible sign directing people to Hareshaw Linn towards Bellingham on the approach to the golf club, as people were turning onto the golf course itself and being unable to turn around. It was agreed to raise this to Highways.

7.2 A resident had raised an issue about the footpath past the golf club entrance which was overgrown with grass and needed clearing. It was agreed to raise this with Highways.

7.3 The Heritage Centre and Bellingham in Bloom had both offered their thanks for the grants received over the last couple of months from the Parish Council.

7.4 A letter had been received from a local resident expressing concern over the cemetery fees and the speed with which they had been increased. It was agreed to reply, giving information on other local cemeteries for comparison purposes and the reasons for the rapid increase. In addition, concern was expressed regarding higher rates for non-residents in the event of the burial of residents who had been in nursing homes for an extended period. It was agreed to contact Dickinsons and let them know that in this instance they could raise the matter with the Parish Council who would have final decision over whether a resident or non-resident rate would be charged. The Clerk also noted a headstone had been removed from the cemetery to have an additional inscription added.

7.5 The Clerk noted that a seat on the local council association (NALC) was available if any councillors wished to take it up.

7.6 NCC had launched a new ‘live it, love it, leave it unspoilt’ campaign for visitors and offered a toolkit for parish councils to use to advertise this. It was agreed to do so.

7.7 The Clerk had received information from the local stonemason on an additional name for the Lychgate and this is in process.

7.8 The Clerk noted that the Parish Council had been copied into correspondence from Cllr Riddle to a resident saying that he would be supporting the retention of the Middle School and would be lobbying for a change in policy regarding transport for children to the school.

7.9 The headmistress of Bellingham Primary School had been in touch to ask for the opportunity to meet with a couple of councillors to improve links with the Parish.

7.10 A resident had been in touch to update councillors on the housing development project at Bridgeford View. This is now under formal review by the ombudsman who has noted sufficient areas for concern to allow a formal investigation. Discharge of conditions and the substation application are still pending on the site after an extended period. However the resident noted that Cllr Riddle and other NCC employees were no longer responding to his requests for information and asking if the parish could get more information. This was agreed. 


8. Reports -

8.1 Cllr Kirkbride noted that the sand pit in the Jubilee Field play area was almost out of sand. It was agreed to buy more to refill the pit.

8.2 Cllr Kirkbride mentioned the theft of the bench at Hillside had been reported to the police. He mentioned the need to report criminal activity in the village to 101, Crimestoppers or online in order to give the police more information for what police presence was needed in the area.

8.3 Cllr Kirkbride pointed out the need for the Parish Council to have a parish plan and wider consultation with local residents to get a list of priorities and vision for its activities. This was agreed and Cllr Dickson-Green noted that this had been attempted last year but was delayed due to COVID. The APM was due to be held online in May, due to ongoing restrictions, but a further in person consultation would be undertaken (as previously agreed by the council) later in the year.

8.4 Cllr Irving noted that the Doctors Surgery lights were causing issues for local residents through the night. It was agreed to ask the surgery if anything could be done to manage this.

8.5 Cllr Dickson-Green noted the improvement works that had been done to the cemetery over the last month. He noted that there had been high level of interest in booking plots since the fee increases and the initial works had been completed. He raised concerns over the need to manage the site to maintain it and ensure the site was kept to a high standard given the new higher fees being charged. Concerns were expressed by Cllr Kirkbride over whether the new fees would cover paying for maintenance and the uncertain capital costs of repairs to the chapel and cemetery. It was agreed that the focus would be on key capital projects and that once these were undertaken someone should be hired for weekly maintenance and tidying of the site. In the meantime, Councillors would look to undertake voluntary work at the cemetery each week to maintain it while the capital work is undertaken.

8.6 Cllr Dickson-Green noted plans to dig a trench next to St Cuthbert’s wall to reduce the risk of visitors falling onto the lower path. He expressed concerns that this would make an additional hazard and that a fence would be a safer option. This is to be discussed with key diocese stakeholders.

8.7 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the Gigabit broadband scheme was imminent with the cabinet in the process of being sourced. He reminded the parish that there had been agreement to allow the siting of a shipping container on the Fairstead car park for the duration of the installation works.

8.8 Cllr Dickson-Green noted the poor condition of many of the benches. Approval was given for a rolling maintenance program for the benches, with paint and wood to be purchased/sourced.

8.9 Councillors were shown examples of the local history notices agreed at the last meeting and produced by Cllr Dickson-Green and Cllr Tilley. These would be built into a walk for visitors and locals and will be put up over the coming weeks, linking into information pages on the website.

8.10 The indoor market has had a good response from local traders and they will be contacted this week to finalise numbers. It was agreed this would be run on the 3rd Saturday of each month starting in July after the COVID restrictions are hopefully lifted.

8.11 Cllr Dickson-Green noted the two vacancies remaining on the Parish Council which needed to be filled by co-option. He noted that there had already been several expressions of interest. It was agreed that all councillors would highlight the positions and invite applicants. Any applicants would be passed to Clerk who would give guidance on how to apply for co-option which would be decided at the June meeting.

8.12 Cllr Tilley noted that the theft of the bench at Hillside meant there was again no bench in the popular spot. It was agreed to place another bench on the site but that thought would be given how to fix it in place.


9. Finance

9.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Interest = £0.04
  • Cemetery Fees = £160


  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £179.00
  • Water rates = £57.00 (DD)
  • C Mowatt (Landscaping) = £957.60
  • C Mowatt (Cemetery work) = £720
  • M Dickson-Green (Zoom fees, bench and signs) = £207.20
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £366.20
  • W Charlton (allotment rent) = £200
  • Natalie Green (cleaning) = £130
  • Park End (repairs to car chargers) = £87.60
  • Michael Bacon (toilet repairs) = £94.20

Bank balances as at 15th May were: Main account £44,914.63, Jubilee Field account £2216.92, Instant access account £1,426.05.

9.2 Year end accounts had been sent to the internal auditor for review. The Clerk noted that, unusually, the parish had run a surplus in the last year of £5,467.51. This was due to several previous years of VAT being claimed, funeral fees being received at the end of the year but not yet spent on maintenance and savings from the closure of the toilets due to COVID.

9.3 The Clerk requested the purchase of the Local Council Administration book for £149.99 to enable review of legal issues relating to ongoing council activities. This was approved.


10. Any Urgent Business - None


11. Date of next meeting - 

  • Annual Parish Meeting - 27th May by Zoom.
  • Parish Council Meeting - 16th June
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