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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 20th March 2024

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Knudsen, Cllr Armstrong, Cllr Turner, Cllr Moore, Cllr Kirkbride.

In attendance: Clerk, 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

i.  An update about the flooding coming from the Rectory and effecting the Riverside Path was requested. The clerk reported having spoken directly with church wardens who have already carried some work out and have other work in hand. The member of the public expressed that they would have preferred contact be made directly to the diocese. 

ii. The complaint was reiterated about the village cleanliness, with no improvements having been observed. This matter was to be discussed in depth during the main meeting (5.3). The councillors reported that conversations with local businesses over the month have suggested they are willing to help increase standards in their own areas. 

iii. The plans to manage the Bellingham in Bloom pots were discussed. The council suggested paying the labour costs to have 8 central planters filled and baskets transported from the supplier and hung, this would be on the understanding that the Bellingham in Bloom paid for the plants and compost. The committee expressed a preference for all of the existing 19 planters to remain in use. Full costs for this will be sought. No members of the public responded to a Facebook request for help with watering, door to door enquiries were suggested. The council asked for clarity over the future of the Bellingham in Bloom group so plans for 2025 could be made if necessary.

iv. The clerk responded to enquiries re the National Park’s trees on Foundry Lane explaining that the Rangers had been informed and were going to assess the situation. A follow up was requested. Clerk to action. 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None received

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - Cllr Moore resides in one of the properties discussed in correspondence received (8.1)

4. February meeting minutes - Signed as correct. 

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Update re Drainage at Rectory - Addressed in Section A 1. 

5.2 Prices & location of new bin near Percy Terrace
A telegraph pole near Hillcrest was identified as as suitable site for a small bin. Given the high cost of installation from the county council, the clerk was asked to find out if we can install ourselves and arrange for it to be collected. 

5.3 Village Cleaning Contract
It was acknowledged that the work of keeping the village clean has not been given nearly enough paid hours to be effective. Previous contracts allowed for 10 hours each week and the current level is far below this. As it was evident the duties in this area have been unclear in recent months it was decided to officially put the job out to tender. Clerk to action. 

5.4 Toilet Block refurbishment
Several site meetings have highlighted the areas of main concern, with a full refurbishment no longer being felt to be necessary. Quotes are being gathered for replacement of two urinals, redecorating, joinery and several replacement parts. It was suggested to ask if C.Cllr John Riddle could use his local funds to pay for this. Problems with the cleanliness were highlighted and it was suggested to begin to get the facilities cleaned daily. Clerk to collate information and update next month. 

6. Planning applications

6.1 Decisions from NCC - 23/04477/FUL - Construction of two timber sheds, The Station Railway Cottages - GRANTED
6.2 Applications - i 24/00732/FUL -  Proposed single story extension to rear, 21 Westlands - the council are in support of this application.
ii 24/00502/CLEXIS - Certificate of Lawful Development of an Existing Use for land used as a caravan site. Foundry Farm Caravan Park. - the council have no objections to this application. 

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Allotments - £13 (15b), £12.50 (14a)
Interest - £7.71
Interest  - £12.52
EV Charger - £204.85
Funeral Fees - £735

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £5 (01.03)
Anglian water - £4 (01.03)
Anglian water - £148.51 (28.02)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (29.02) 

Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £396
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
EV Charger: £14.21
NW Recycling (Skip): £468
Sounds Wholesale (Filing Cabinet): £102.83
DesignbyDavies1 (Metal storage box large): £106.50
Bell. Country Store (cleaning supplies): £142.38
TyneRede Accountancy (Payroll fees): £288
Bellingham Post Office (Printer Paper): £11.98

Bank Accounts as of 14/3/24
Treasurers Account - £25,597.39
Cemeteries Account - £6,991.52
Reserve Account - £11,354.48

All expenses approved. 

8. Correspondence

8.1 A resident of Percy Terrace wrote to highlight that large vehicles cannot drive along the street, of particular concern in the event of an emergency. Most but not all residents currently park over the path which does allow for traffic to use the full width of the road however the high kerb makes this unfavourable. If the pavement were to be removed this problem could be remedied. Previous discussions with NCC over the issue have stalled when it was perceived that there was a lack of consensus in the street. Clerk to speak to NCC about this, Cllr Moore to speak to residents. 

8.2 The clerk recently heard from a resident on behalf of people who work in the village and park at Jubilee Field. Over the winter they have found the stretch of path near the Doctors to be dangerously dark. It was noted that the parish council have complained to NCC about this before. Clerk to ask again about solutions. 

9. Borderlands - A meeting has been scheduled for May. 

10. Reports

10.1 Cllr Wilkinson - Bellingham in Bloom Update - covered during public participation. 

10.2 Cllr Irving - Telecom manhole
A GPO manhole cover near Jubilee Field is not fitted correctly and causing a hazard. Clerk to report. 

10.3 Cllr Irving - Village Cleaning update - covered previously.

10.4 Cllr Irving - Speeding.
Speeding is an ongoing problem of great concern. Cllr Kirkbride to follow up with Speedwatch and seek progress report. 

11. Any other business

11.1. It was observed that a pole and wiring has been removed between Fountain Cottage ad the Railway Bridge. 

11.2. The skip currently at the Allotments is to be removed on or around Tuesday 2nd April. Clerk to action. 

11.3. A councillor noted that the surface of the Riverside path and the fence alongside have continued to degrade over the winter.  It is hoped the action to be taken by Tim Fish of NCC when the wether allows will be a great improvement. 

11.4. Residents of Westlands have asked if some of the Green can be converted for parking. It was recalled that the Parish Council and others have approached Karbon homes about this before without success. Clerk to ask again. 

12 Restricted business

12.1 Clerk’s contract - it was agreed not to engage a solicitor for the creation of a new contract and to use the template from Corsenside Parish Council. Clerk to prepare for sign off at the next meeting. 

Date of next meeting

April 17th 2024, 7pm. 

Meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.


This draft of the minutes is subject to change. 

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