Wednesday 20th March 2024 - 7pm
Bellingham Town Hall
Community Room
Part A
Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of February Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Planning Applications
6.1 Decision from NCC -23/04477/FUL - GRANTED
6.2 Planning Applications for discussion - i 24/00732/FUL,
ii 24/00502/CLEXIS
7. Finance
7.1 Feb-Mar income, expenses, bank balances
8. Correspondence
8.1 Resident of Percy Terrace
9. Borderlands Updates
10. Notified reports
10.1 Cllr Wilkinson - Bellingham in Bloom Update
10.2 Cllr Irving - Telecom manhole - fire station
10.3 Cllr Irving - Village Cleaning update
10.4 Cllr Irving - Speeding
11. Any urgent issues
12. Restricted Business
13. Agreement of date of next meeting - April 17th
Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda
5. Matters arising - updates required
1 Clerk - Update re Drainage at Rectory
2 Cllrs Tilley and Armstrong - Location of new bin
3 Clerk - Village Maintenance contract
4 Clerk -Toilet Refurbishment update
6. Planning applications
6.1 Decision 23/04477/FUL - Construction of two timber sheds, The Station Railway Cottages - GRANTED
6.2 Application
i 24/00732/FUL - Proposed single story extension to rear, 21 Westlands
ii 24/00502/CLEXIS - Certificate of Lawful Development of an Existing Use for land used as a caravan site. Foundry Farm Caravan Park
7.1 Finance income and expenditure
Allotments - £13 (15b), £12.50 (14a)
Interest - £7.71
Interest - £12.52
EV Charger - £204.85
Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £5 (01.03)
Anglian water - £4 (01.03)
Anglian water - £148.51 (28.02)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (29.02)
Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £396
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
EV Charger: £14.21
NW Recycling (Skip): £468
Sounds Wholesale (Filing Cabinet): £102.83
DesignbyDavies1 (Metal storage box large): £106.50
Bell. County Store (cleaning supplies): £142.38
TyneRede Accountancy (Payroll fees): £288
Bank Accounts as of 14/3/24
Treasurers Account - £25,597.39
Cemeteries Account - £6,991.52
Reserve Account - £11,354.48
This is a draft agenda and subject to change.
Clerk: Christine Woodcock, 44 Brierley Gardens, Otterburn.