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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 17th March 2021

Meeting held by Zoom - 7pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Allen, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Irving, Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Huddleston

In attendance: Clerk, 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

A reporter from the Hexham Courant was present for the meeting.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None

2. County Councillor Report - None

3. Declarations of interest - None noted

4. Minutes of February Meeting - agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk noted that he was waiting to get the paperwork from Dickonsons to allow for a cemetery plan to be created to start the process for risk assessment of the memorials at the cemetery.

The Clerk noted that he had received a list of sources of funding for the Playground Committee but had not yet forwarded this on as no agreement had been reached over whether the drainage works would be allowed. He noted that a resident had identified that the storm drain that passes underneath the Fairstead appeared to have collapsed, creating a flooded area. This is the drain that the new football pitch drain would have to be routed into. The Clerk had been in touch with the Northumberland Estates to try and find out responsibility for the repair of the drain and was awaiting a reply. It was agreed that the Playground Committee would be contacted to let them know that the drainage works would be approved by the Parish Council, but that they would have to wait until the main drain had been repaired to avoid further drainage problems.

The Clerk stated that nobody had requested information about standing for the National Park Authority. The Clerk was also awaiting a date for the council to review plans for fencing along St Cuthbert’s upper graveyard boundary.

The contract agreed by Councillors at the interim meeting on 25th February for cleaning of the public toilets had been signed by the new contractor and emails had been sent to applicants who had been unsuccessful. The Clerk had also contacted Karbon Homes to discuss proposed new additional parking sites at Westlands, but no response had yet been received.

The Clerk had been in touch with the local Lib-Dem candidate for the County Council and to an applicant for a grant for Age UK as agreed in the previous meeting.

5.2 Cllr Kirkbride noted that he was in touch with Cllr Huddleston regarding the scrap and outbuildings near Nichol’s Arch and this was ongoing.

5.3 The remaining Councillors who had not provided a note that they accepted the Parish Council Code of Ethics were reminded they had two days remaining to do so before NCC had to be notified that their seats were vacant.

5.4 Cllr Allen noted that the tree planting plans were in abeyance due to awaiting information on the legal status of the Fairstead from Northumberland Estates. He had been in contact with the contractor for the drainage of the football pitch on the Fairstead which had been mentioned earlier. He noted the costs of repairing the storm drain on the Fairstead were likely to be significant.

Cllr Allen had approached the local Fire Station regarding the provision of a safety ring to be placed next to the river at the Jubilee Field. The Fire Station were unable to provide this - so alternative sources of funding were suggested by several councillors for the Clerk to investigate.

5.5 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that replies to the tourism proposals at the last meeting suggested that there were some initial easy wins that could be worked towards:

  • Information board at Hareshaw Linn
  • Re-purposing of the board outside the Country Store for a map and tourist/business directory
  • Tourist information board on the side of the public conveniences
  • Wifi in the village centre - Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the internet connection would be provided by NT&RCP for no charge.
  • Historic sites information boards
  • Visit Bellingham Website

Cllr Dickson-Green stated that he would come back with costs and details over the coming weeks.

Cllr Dickson-Green stated that he had received two quotes for clearance of the lower cemetery at St Cuthbert’s but that he suggested these were delayed until the works needed at the open cemetery at the Croft were completed. This was agreed.

6. Planning applications -

21/00199/FUL - Porch, Haining Head - it was agreed to support the planning application.

21/00070/FUL - Replacement of Poultry Shed at Blakelaw - this application had been granted planning permission.

7. Correspondence

Percy Terrace widening - a resident had been in touch asking about the possibility of narrowing the pavement to give more access for vehicles. Given the response of the low priority nature of road widening by NCC it was agreed that there was little likelihood of this being possible.(Clerk to action) Another resident from Redesmouth Court had contacted the Clerk to express their unhappiness about the Parish Council trying to undertake compulsory purchase of their gardens to widen the road at Percy Terrace, The Clerk had explained that this was not the case and that no plans to use or access Redesmouth Court gardens for road widening purposes had or would be something the Parish Council would consider.

The Clerk had been in contact with NCC regarding the safety checks to the cemetery and discussed the process with Councillors. Once information is received from Dickinsons, this will be progressed.

The Clerk noted that all documents regarding the election forms had been forwarded to councillors.

The Clerk had received a further email regarding concern over the number of cars at Hareshaw Linn. The Clerk had replied as agreed that there was nothing that could be done about this legally and that residents could call 101 to report concerns over breaches to social distancing.

The Clerk noted that the new fence at the Jubilee Field had initially been put in the wrong place, but that this was now corrected and completed.

Condliffe Cleaning had been contacted and informed that the parish council would not be using their services to clean the toilets going forward. The Clerk had written them a testimonial regarding the quality of their work.

The Clerk had been contacted by Dickinsons regarding the need for proper deeds for the right of burial at the cemetery. The Clerk had been in touch with Hexham cemetery and used their deeds as a template and discussed how the process needs to be managed. It was agreed that the deed would run from the date of death of the deed holder.

It was agreed that a request to scatter ashes in the cemetery over a relative’s plot would not attract a charge but that anyone wishing to do so would need to ask permission from the Parish Council. The cemetery rules were to be amended to reflect this.

Cllr Dickson-Green had received a call from a resident asking for a reduction in burial fees due to recent change but explained that this was not possible as the fee structure had now been updated.

Tarset and Greystead Council had requested a meeting to consider wider tourism in the area. It was felt that this would be useful to liaise with NT&RCP on as well to get a wider view.

A resident had been in touch requesting more publicity for the  regarding the destruction of hedgerows at the land to be developed at Noble Street. He had complained to the County Ecologist and was awaiting a review. He wanted to thank Bellingham Parish Council for their support on the development. It was agreed that due to the nature of local feeling about the development, the lack of NCC or Advance Northumberland engagement with residents and the failure of either body to comply with their own rules, the Parish Council would continue to support objections to the proposals wherever possible.

8. Reports -

8.1 Cllr Tilley and Cllr Irving both expressed a wish to offer the Parish Council’s thanks to Keith Oliver who had undertaken work in the cemetery clearing the paths and overgrown trees. This was agreed unanimously.

8.2 Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Tilley and the Clerk had attended a meeting with the proposed developers for the Mart Field site in Bellingham. The proposal is to site a relocated supermarket and 60 homes on the site. Both councillors expressed concerns over the proposals due to the siting of the new supermarket at the far side of the development away from existing shops, the number of houses and the lack of any public parking on the site, in spite of prior assurance of this by Cllr Riddle and NCC. Cllr Tilley suggested that the development should include the creation of a footpath along the side of the road towards Fairshaw Crescent. It was agreed that the development was of major importance for Bellingham and, if done incorrectly, significant damage could be done to the centre of the village. The Parish Council agreed to continue to engage with the developers over the coming weeks, along with NT&RCP.

8.3 Cllr Tilley noted that the Parish Council elections had not been contested in 20 years and that it was important that the parish wasn’t self-selecting through co-option if possible. He suggested that, in spite of the cost of a contested election to the parish, the ability for people to stand for election should be advertised by the Parish Council. This was agreed.

8.4 Cllr Irving noted that concerns had been raised over the batteries on defibrillators in the area. Bellingham’s defibrillator had been checked and the battery was in good working order.

8.5 Cllr Irving stated that the manhole covers in the street near St Cuthbert’s had been renewed recently but had started to sink, causing a trip hazard.

8.6 Cllr Wilkinson noted that the road to Otterburn had been covered with a hazardous amount of manure over a long area which had not been cleaned up quickly enough by the relevant farmer. It was agreed to send a brief reminder letter of the importance of road cleaning to the relevant farm.

8.7 Cllr Dickson-Green gave an update on the indoor market proposal. Seven local businesses had said they would be interested. More would be contacted shortly - in particular those who are currently at Hexham market. July was the most likely opening date. Once the 12-15 tables were filled, local businesses would be contacted to let them know the detail of the proposals and explain the reasons for the market being created.

8.8 Cllr Dickson-Green introduced a series of proposals for the Croft Cemetery to use the newly increased burial fees to repair and renew the site. It was agreed to:

  • Consider the need to hire a maintenance person to work for a couple of hours a fortnight to maintain the paths, clear up rubbish, etc. It was agreed to consider this once volunteer efforts had been finalised.
  • A noticeboard with cemetery rules to be placed near the entrance 
  • Money from burial fees to be ring fenced into a separate bank account to be used for cemetery maintenance and development 
  • Quotes had been received for dealing with the piles of earth and green waste at the top of the graveyard - a quote from Chris Mowatt of £600 plus VAT was accepted.It was agreed to contact the gravedigger and request that they use the small walled section at the top of the cemetery for spare earth. A quote for £560-£840 to repair the walls in the cemetery was also accepted. 
  • It was agreed to consider the resurfacing edging and of the paths at the cemetery - Cllr Huddleston to provide a local contractor’s details to get a quote for the work. 
  • It was noted that work would need to be done on the chapel to bring it back up to a better level of repair. As an initial step, work would be done to identify if it is listed. 

8.9 Cllr Dickson-Green gave an update on the new gigabit broadband scheme for Bellingham. 122 had signed up to claim their government vouchers and surveys were begin completed on the location for the new cabinet. WeFibre was expecting late May or early June for the first connections.

9. Finance

9.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Interest = £0.07


  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £179.00
  • Water rates = £57.00 (DD)
  • C Mowatt (Landscaping) = £957.60
  • M Dickson-Green (Zoom fees and materials for public toilets) = £135.67
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £273.97
  • Town Hall (Electricity for car chargers) = £28.05
  • Bellingham Timber and Fencing (work at Jubilee Field) = £780
  • Rocky Road, J Crozier, Next Chapter, Methodist Church (power for Christmas lights) = £20 each

Bank balances as at 11th February were: Main account £26,687.11, Jubilee Field account £2216.88, Instant access account £6,295.81.

9.2 A grant application had been received from Bellingham in Bloom. The full request of £650 was approved to be paid. A request for more volunteers to help out with planting and watering was to be advertised on the Parish Council’s Facebook page.

A grant request had also been received from Bellingham Heritage Centre for £100. More information was to be requested to ascertain the purpose of the grant.

10. Any Urgent Business

Cllr Kirkbride noted that there had been some issues in Westlands that had been reported to the local police and were under investigation. Local residents with any concerns could ring 101.

Cllr Kirkbride also noted that Mick Scott had worked as a police volunteer in Bellingham for 40 years and asked for a letter of thanks to be sent to him and the Chief of Police. This was agreed unanimously.

Cllr Kirkbride had also been contacted by the Board of Governors of Bellingham Middle School regarding the outsourcing of catering for school lunches to the Boe Rigg.

11. Date of next meeting - April 21st

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