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Local Planning

How does local planning work?

When an individual, business or developer puts in a planning application this is lodged directly with Northumberland County Council’s local planning department.

The planning department then advertises the proposal on their website and notices are placed next to the proposed location with details on how to comment. Any individual can comment on a planning application and the easiest way to do this is through the NCC planning portal using the reference number on the application poster.


How does the Parish Council fit into the process?

In addition to the mandatory notice and planning portal, NCC will inform the Parish Council of the proposal and invite comment.

Parish Councils have no powers to approve or reject planning applications - they can only comment in the same way that an individual resident can. The final decision is made by the NCC planning department.

If you have concerns about any planning application the best thing to do is to comment directly via the NCC planning portal.


Current Planning Applications

Enter the reference number below into the NCC Planning Portal.

23/00298/COU - Change of use from a plumbers business storage to a private/personal storage building. | Storage Building Bellingham Hexham Northumberland NE48 2BS

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