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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Agenda: Wednesday 19th June 2024,
7pm - Bellingham Town Hall Meeting Room 


Part A - Public Participation

Part B - Parish Council Meeting 

Apologies for Absence

County Councillor Report 

Declarations of Interest

Minutes of May meeting - to be agreed
Minutes of Extraordinary meeting - to be agreed

Matters Arising from the Minutes
Including but not limited to:

Clerk - Road Closure update 

Clerk - Toilet Refurbishment

Clerk - Play area Update

Clerk - Village Cleaning Tender

Planning Applications


7.1 May - June income, expenses and bank balances

Donation request - Citizens Advice


8.1 - Garage Signage

8.2  - Cemetery Complaint

RAMP / Borderlands update


10.1 Cllr Wilkinson - Drinking Fountain

Any Urgent Business

Restricted Business

Agreement of date of next meeting - July 17th

This is a draft agenda and subject to change.
Clerk: Christine Woodcock, 44 Brierley Gardens, Otterburn.Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda

7.1 Finance income and expenditure
Allotment Fees - £12.50
Cemetery Fees - £160
Interest - £12.97, £7.99
Honesty Box (Toilets) - £tbc

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £111.13, £4, £17

Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £tbc
Chris Mowatt (Landscaping) - £968
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95
C Woodcock - Additional hours - £tbc
Natalie Green - £199.33

Bank Accounts as of 12/06/24
Treasurers Account - £21,290.51
Cemeteries Account - £7,014.21
Reserve Account - £11,391.32


This is a draft agenda and subject to change.
Clerk: Christine Woodcock, 44 Brierley Gardens, Otterburn. 

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