Wednesday 15th June 2022 - 7pm
Bellingham Town Hall
Main Hall
Part A
Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of May Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Finance
- 6.1 May-June income, expenses, bank balances and budget review
- 6.2 Agreement of financial statements for year ended 31/3/2022
7. Correspondence
8. Borderlands Updates
9. Notified reports
- 9.1 Cemetery update - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.2 Playground honesty boxes - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.3 Highways priorities 23/24 - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.4 Clearance of flower bed near schools - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.5 Playground and car park signs - Cllr Huddleston
10. Planning Applications
- 10.1 21/03415/FUL Former Auction Mart, Bellingham - new updates
- 10.2 22/01478/FUL Micro-brewery, shop, shipping containers - Foundry Yard
- 10.3 22/01758/FUL Garage conversion - Darmel House, Bellingham
- 10.4 22/01667/FUL Garage conversion - 3 Callisters Court, Bellingham
11. Agreement of date of next meeting - July 20th
Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda
5. Matters arising - updates required
- Investigate shuttle bus
- Regular collection of electrical goods for recycling
- Investigating facilities for residents to ask questions re: support services
- Ukraine group advertising
- Railings at Briar Hill playground
- Update on wild flower sections
- NCC climate support website
- Grant policy/agenda correction
- Power sockets for Christmas lights
Clerk and Cllr Moore
- Resurfacing of Jubilee Field path
- Bat boxes
Cllr Moore
- Sourcing of new trees for cemetery
- Bellingham Golf Club discussions re: Jubilee woodland
- Limits to holiday lets
Cllr Huddleston
- Installation of bunting
Cllr Dickson-Green
- Feedback re: charger installation to NCC
- Local Power Project Fund update
Cllr Kirkbride
- Wording for advertising re: oil tank security
- Local beer update
All Cllrs
- Send Clerk questions for Glen Sanderson for the next meeting
Details re: matters arising:
- 4 x Bat boxes - £36.99 inc VAT
- Bin for playground - £59.00 ex-VAT
6 Finance:
6.1 Income and expenses - May-Jun
Indoor market income: £40.00
Toilet honesty box: £62.78
Grant income (Ray Wind Farm): £500.00
Cemetery fees: £1,010.00
Invoices to be paid (to date):
- B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £189.74
- B Dickson-Green (expenses) = £30.98
- CM Commercial (landscaping) = £957.60
- E Taylor (handyman) = TBC
- Town Hall (rental for June) = £70.00
- Town Hall (insurance) = £1,554.19
- DD - Wave (water rates) = £73.18
- N Green (cleaning) = £137.80
- J Arnup (Jubilee Event) = £250.00
- NBK Leisure (Bouncy castle hire) = £165.00
- Ian Proctor Sounds & Lighting (toilets, disco hire) = £864.00
- M Dickson-Green (expenses): £374.39
- Birdboxes for cemetery - £40.00
- Directory poster - £26.85
- Bunting - £307.54
Bank account balances as at 9/5/22:
Current account £39,798.13
Jubilee Field Account: £2,217.16
Cemetery Maintenance Fund: £2,600.91
Budget Surplus for year remaining | -£761.81 |
Other unplanned expenditure | -£48.00 |
Other unplanned income | £500.00 |
Estimated budget surplus remaining for the year to 31/3/23 | -£309.81 |
Surplus reserves b/f | £20,184.00 |
Available at the end of June | £19,874.19 |
6.2 Final statements to be circulated by email before meeting (to follow)
9. Reports
9.1 St Cuthbert’s cemetery safety checks (£1,500 for Croft Cemetery for reference)
9.2 Honesty boxes for playground - £33.98 inc VAT
9.4 Quote for clearance of overgrown bed, removal of rubbish, membrane, 1 tonne of bark - £350 (no VAT)
10. Planning applications
10.1 Analysis of new Mart Field proposals to follow
10.1/10.2 Details re: Mart Field and Micro-brewery proposals can be found on NCC’s Planning Portal (see link):
10.3/10.4 Other planning applications were approved between meetings due to deadlines.