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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 16th June 2021

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 6.30pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Riley, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Kirkbride

In attendance: Clerk, Cllr Riddle, two members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

A resident raised the issue of a tree having been planted without authorisation in the Jubilee Field. Cllr Riley noted that she had heard that it was a broken branch that had been planted by some children and that it had since been removed.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Moore, Cllr Irving

2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Riddle made the following reports:

2.1 Cllr Riddle stated that he had been investigating costs for new parking bays at Westlands, but the cost was currently prohibitively high, meaning that he was investigating other options.

2.2 The development on the Mart was continuing with a focus on social housing for rental and extra care accommodation. He noted the possibility of planning restrictions meaning that the housing could only be used for the benefit of local residents, though what this area covered would be unknown at this time.

2.3 Car parking in the village was still under review, including double yellow lining near Manchester Square, maximising parking in the village itself and expansion of the car park at Hareshaw Linn. Discussion and plans are ongoing and will be passed to the Parish Council for comment - hopefully within the next couple of weeks.

2.4 Cllr Riddle was now in charge of local services with the county council, including highways, lighting, cemeteries, etc.

2.5 He noted that he was arranging a meeting with NCC on the issue of transport to the Middle School and was hoping to discuss a change a policy on this by the end of the month.

2.6 Cllr Riddle noted that there was expected to be improvements done to the road between Otterburn and Bellingham shortly and that there would soon be a new system of communicating with Parish Councils regarding transport priorities for each year.

2.7 Four electric car chargers were being planned for Bellingham, though this would be discussed with National Powergrid before location and types were confirmed.

3. Declarations of interest - Cllr Dickson-Green noted that all members needed to complete a new DOI after the election. He noted that he was now on the committee for NALC. He was aware of NT&RCP having discussions with the Mart field developer about the possibility of acquiring some social housing. As a member of NT&RCP he had therefore recused himself from any of these discussions between NT&RCP and the developers to remain independent regarding the development.

4. Minutes of May Meeting - agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Amended draft policies had been circulated before the meeting and these were agreed by councillors relating to income and expenses analysis, community engagement, complaints policy, freedom of information, GDPR, training, media engagement and freeman of the parish. The Clerk reminded all councillors of the need to fill in the return of election expenses if this had not already been done.

Cllrs noted that some work had been done at the cemetery over the previous month. Cllr Kirkbride agreed to investigate the work needed still to be done and arrange a volunteer session to help deal with this. (Cllr Kirkbride to action)

5.2 The Clerk had located the key for the zip wire and was trying to get access to it (Clerk to action). He noted that draft minutes weer being published between meetings to improve resident access to information. School safety signs of cutouts of children had been investigated but the only option found had been £165 per cutout. As the area is expected to be made 20mph shortly any decision on the needs for this were put on hold. Cllr Kirkbride noted that the community speed watch had restarted and caught a number of speeding drivers in the village. He agreed to get a rough schedule of when this was happening (Cllr Kirkbride to action)

The Clerk had received a quote for £400 + VAT to widen the paths at Jubilee Field and this was agreed. (Clerk to action) The riverside walk to the rear of the Rectory had had the drainage pipes cleaned and was now draining better. Fly tipping signage had been promised by NCC within a few weeks for the land behind Cairns Road.

The Clerk noted that he had contacted Highways regarding the overgrown footpath past the golf club and the possibility of Hareshaw Linn signage to prevent people turning through the golf club to find it. There as yet had been no response.

The Clerk had been in touch with the Doctor’s surgery to ask them to examine their security lights to ensure they were not shining into residents windows. He also confirmed that St Cuthbert’s church was going to be excavating a small trench along the wall along from the new steps to improve safety.

Cllr Moore was investigating the repair of the climbing frame at the Jubilee Field play park with the manufacturer. (Cllr Moore to action)

5.3 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the no barbecue and no overnight parking signs had been put up at the Jubilee Field. A new NCC campaign for visitors had been publicised on the website as had the new history walk/information boards, which had had a very positive reaction from visitors and locals.

The indoor market was due to start two days before the new amended date for social distancing to be finished. As such after discussion with the Town Hall it was decided that the indoor market would be delayed until August.

The replacement for the bench at Hillside was suggested to be a gabion with a wooden top. It was agreed to cost this. (Clerk to action) The Clerk also noted that the safety ring for Jubilee Field had arrived and was waiting to be installed.

5.4 Cllr Riley discussed a meeting she and Cllr Dickson-Green had with the Head Teacher of Bellingham Primary School. The Head wished to look at ways to improve links with the local community and it was agreed to look more closely at the reopening of the sports facilities to local groups. This was to be discussed with the Board of Governors and the Head Teacher of Bellingham Middle School (Cllr Riley, Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

5.5 Cllr Kirkbride noted that the Environment Agency was planning to investigate the area near Nichol’s Arch but that this was not likely to be for some time.

Cllr Kirkbride had obtained a quote for new play sand for the Jubilee Field play area costing £88.95+VAT and it was agreed for him to purchase this and invoice the Parish Council. (Cllr Kirkbride to action)

6. Planning applications -

6.1 21/00029/LBC - listed building consent for works to Bellingham Town Hall - this had been withdrawn

6.2 Review of public rights of ways from NCC - no comments were put forward on this proposal except for a query over a right of way through the North Tyne river to feed back. (Clerk to action)

6.3 Street naming consultation - land near Bridgeford View - no comments on the proposed names for feedback.

6.4 Changes to the local plan (NCC) - this had been received and would be put up online for councillors to review (All to action)

7. Finance

Cllr Dickson-Green noted the new format of the meeting with finance brought forward before reports. This was to aid councillors with a view of the financial position of the council before they were asked to make funding decisions in the future.

7.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Interest = £0.04
  • Cemetery Fees = £1,495
  • Allotment income = £25


  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £179.00
  • B Dickson-Green (PC book) = £152.79
  • Water rates = £57.00 (DD)
  • C Mowatt (Landscaping) = £957.60
  • M Dickson-Green (Zoom fees, wood and paint, signs) = £871.91
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £445.20
  • Tyne Rede (internal audit) = £216
  • Natalie Green (cleaning) = £130
  • Glasdon (safety ring) = £358.84
  • Town Hall (meetings) = £48

Bank balances as at 15th May were: Main account £44,540.83, Jubilee Field account £2296.05, Instant access account £2,216.92.

7.2 The Clerk presented an updated budget for the current financial year, with a projected surplus (before capital costs, maintenance and unexpected costs) of around £6,250. He also ran through a new budget control system that showed councillors each month how much available finance there was to spend month by month. This would be updated monthly to ensure councillors always knew what was available for investment. This balance was £26,957.26 at the end of May. It was agreed that the payment for insurance to the Town Hall was not a donation and therefore would not need to be applied for from the Parish going forward as such. The Town Hall will simply forward the invoice in future for payment. (Clerk to action)

7.3 The Internal Audit had been completed on the 2020-21 financial statements for the Parish Council. There weer no objection and it was agreed to sign and return these to the external auditor.

7.4 The Clerk noted that the external audit in the previous financial year had noted that an error in the prior year asset valuation had not been corrected with a prior year adjustment. This would not be the case in the current year as the asset valuation was now consistent in both years so no further action was necessary.

8. Correspondence -

8.1 The Clerk had been in touch with Northumbrian Water and they had confirmed that the drain under the Fairstead was a culvert which was the responsibility of the landowner to repair. This was passed on to the Northumberland Estates but they had not yet responded.

8.2 The safety checks on the cemetery would be undertaken at the end of June. No queries had been received based on the signs put up by NCC.

8.3 Jubilee Field had been confirmed to be owned by the Parish Council and documentation had been located surrounding this.

8.4 A resident had been in touch to complain about full bins in the village centre after Bank Holiday Sunday and the lack of grass cutting on the verges on the path alongside the allotments. The Clerk noted that the bin emptying was the responsibility of NCC but that the Parish Council’s handyman had emptied them due to the extra rubbish from the busy Sunday. In addition the grass in questions was NCC’s - not the Parish Council’s and the fact it was not being cut had been forwarded to NCC.

8.5 A resident had noted a lack of drop kerbs at key places in the village centre and Cairn’s Road. This was to be discussed with NCC. (Clerk to action)

8.6 A complaint had been received regarding the poor state of the fence between Westlands green and one of the houses. Carbon was to be contacted to see if it was their responsibility. (Clerk to action)

8.7 A request had been received for a handrail to be put on the steps between the Jubilee Field and the Tyne Bridge. A quote was to be obtained. (Clerk to action)

8.8 The Clerk had received an email from a resident expressing concern over the poor parking in the village and the need for more car parking spaces. A reply was to be given based in information provided by Cllr Riddle. It was also noted that the Parish had put up signage directing visitors to Jubilee Field and Fairstead car parks to ease as much pressure as possible at the current time. (Clerk to action)

8.9 Several residents had complained about the litter left at Hareshaw Linn. The Clerk had contacted the National Park about this and they stated that they were putting on increased patrols to help with this and would be monitoring the situation.

8.10 Kilburn Parish Council had been in touch to ask for advice regarding installation of car chargers. Cllr Dickson-Green was providing assistance.

8.11 A complaint had been received from a resident regarding the lack of double yellow lines outside Manchester Square. The Clerk had mentioned this had been raised as part of the parish transport priorities for the coming year, but that it was ultimately the responsibility of NCC. It was confirmed that the police would not use cones to aid safety in this corner.

8.12 Came & Co had been in touch regarding the Parish insurance policy and asked for any material changes to cover. None were noted, though the possibility of saving money with a joint policy with the Town Hall. This is to be investigated by the Clerk. (Clerk to action)

8.13 A resident had given an update regarding the new development of houses near Bridgeford View. All outstanding matters were still pending on the planning system and the ombudsman complaint was likely to be decided over the coming weeks.

8.14 Cllr Riddle had been in touch with a resident regarding the issue of transport to Bellingham Middle School and was having meetings relating to this later in the month.

8.15 A quote had been received regarding re-surfacing the paths at the cemetery - £12,479+VAT for resurfacing works and £32,131+VAT for edging stone. It was agreed not to proceed with the quotes and focus on reviewing the paths after they had been cleaned. A rateable value review form for the cemetery had also been received and completed.

8.16 The chapel had been examined by the Clerk, Cllr Dickson-Green and a builder and, while there were no structural issues noted, it was in a very poor state of decoration and repair internally. It was agreed to get quoted for the work. (Clerk to action)

9. Reports

9.1 Mart Field Development update - this had not happened as the developers had not booked the meeting. It was noted that if this was undertaken in the future it would be to gain more information on the development rather than to express an opinion on it.

9.2 Village refresh update - Cllr Dickson-Green noted that 4 benches were currently being repaired or had been repaired. Others would soon be painted where repairs were not needed. He noted that the Gingall outside the Town Hall was in need of painting again and it was agreed to keep to the current colours when doing so.

9.3 Roles and responsibilities - Cllr Dickson-Green suggested that the Parish Council’s activities could be split down to allow each councillor to lead on an area, making it easier for residents, for oversight purposes and to enable the council to identify skills and training gaps. This was agreed and Cllr Dickson-Green was asked to send round proposed areas of responsibility for review. (Cllr Dickson- Green to action)

9.4 Cllr Dickson-Green also noted that if the Parish was to move towards getting accreditation for its operations, it needed a short bio from each councillor to add to the website. (All councillors to action)

10. Any Urgent Business

10.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that due to the delay to the end of COVID restrictions, a formal consultation with residents would likely be September and that he would present ideas for how this could be run at the next meeting. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

10.2 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the Government had signed off on the funding for the gigabit broadband scheme in Bellingham so this would be able to proceed shortly.

10.3 Cllr Riley noted that residents in Fairshaw Crescent wanted the grass verges cut on the path to the village so it could be used as a pavement to avoid traffic. A quote for this was to be obtained. (Clerk to action)

11. Next meeting - 21st July - Bellingham Fire Station

12. Restricted business

It was agreed to co-opt Michelle Brebner onto the Parish Council.


Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

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