Wednesday 16th June 2021
Bellingham Town Hall
Part A
Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Riddle update
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of May Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Planning Applications
7. Finance
- 7.1 May-June income, expenses and bank balances to be agreed
- 7.2 Review of amended budget and new budget control system
- 7.3 Update on 2020-21 accounts/agreement
- 7.4 Confirmaton that prior year comments on accounts have been considered
8. Correspondence
9. Reports - to include:
- 9.1 Mart Field Development Update - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.2 Village refresh update/painting of the Gingall - Cllr Dickson-Green
- 9.3 Roles and responsibilites - Cllr Dickson-Green
10. Any Urgent Business
11. Date of Next Meeting - July 21st
12. Co-option Discussion - RESTRICTED BUSINESS