
Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 19th July 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Knudsen, Cllr Armstrong, Cllr Turner, Cllr Kirkbride

In attendance: Clerk, one members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

Tim Fish of NCC has been in contact with the parishioner about various issues along the Riverside Path. A saw will be used to clear branches in outlying areas. The large restoration project is still pending, quotes currently being received. 

A suggestion was made that if grant money is available to spend locally speed signs could be one option. Cllr Kirkbide explained that the Police have been preforming speed checks locally and if there are any particular areas of concern future monitoring could be directed there. 

Youths have been entering properties uninvited. The police are aware. Parishioners are reminded to be vigilant. 

A suggestion was made that the PC could approach new MP Joe Morris to make him aware of the despondence over lack of consultation during local planning issues. 

Karbon/Esh have performed investigation in the area opposite the mart site where sewerage is intended to go. Rumours about sinking manholes on the mart site have been dismissed as incorrect. 


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Moore

2. County Councillor Report -

Apologies received. An update provided via the clerk included:
i. The latest heard from Karbon/Esh was that plans to bore under the road were felt to be impossible but are being revisited.
ii. Expressions of interest (with detailed plans) will require submitted soon if Bellingham is to secure any of the £3million from Borderlands. The hope is that some sport facility could be created on land owned by the school for use by the whole community. Cllr Kirbride added additionally that a recent meeting including representatives from the Schools, Town Hall, NT&RCP was productive, all organisations are working together towards one outcome for the benefit of Bellingham. Money is available from elsewhere to pay for the necessary documentation to be prepared, including architectural designs, but concern remains over the tight timescale. 

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. June meeting minutes - Agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

i. Moles - a letter has kindly been sent containing advice to deter moles from the Cuddy’s Well area.
ii. The street cleaning has begun and is receiving positive feedback. Several items of equipment in the BPC cart are dilapidated it was agreed to purchase replacements.
iii.  Residents are again complaining of weeds and poor condition paths around Westlands and Reenes Way. Some of this is the responsibility of Tim Fish and footpaths NCC (who are already aware) however Karbon has a responsibility for the maintenance of this area too. Clerk has reported to Karbon the poor press and bad feeling this omission is causing.
iv. It was decided to proceed with removing the conifers from Foundry Lane and their stumps. CW to follow up.
iv. The grass at the Bridge near the mart which was reported to NCC 4 weeks ago, remains long and causing obstruction. CW to report again.
v. The requested dropped kerb near Kendal house has after a long delay been installed. 


6. Planning applications

6.1 Applications

6.1 Notices received -none
6.2 Decisions from NCC - 21/03910/FUL Retail facility at Mart Site - REFUSED.
6.3 Action to be taken. Cllr Kudsen suggested BPC could send a letter to request Section 97 be invoked, in order to revoke or modify the planning conditions attached to the Mart site houses. Many objections have been noted in the past, it was felt that the main area of concern remains the lack of properties for sale and the fact that all the homes are social housing, a proportion of 10-30% being typical on new sites. Cllr Knudsen to share suggested comments, based on documented BPC past objections, with the councillors for final approval before a letter is sent. 

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Interest - £11.77, £7.24
VAT reclaim - £7,689.55

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £4, £17

Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance) - £162
Chris Mowatt (Landscaping) - £968
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95
C Woodcock - Additional 10 hours - £137.30
Natalie Green - £199.33
Brierley Maintenance (Street Cleaning - 15hrs) - £240

Bank Accounts as of 10/07/24
Treasurers Account - £28,201.68
Cemeteries Account - £7,021.45
Reserve Account - £11,403.09

All expenses authorised

8. Correspondence

i. Singer Jason Arnup reported receiving comments that parishioners want him to perform again locally, and requested BPC pay £600 for his band to return. It was not felt it was appropriate for BPC to pay for this but that another local organisation may wish to sell tickets to do so.
ii. Northumbrian Water will be constructing an underground storm tank, which will help to protect water quality in the River North Tyne between October and March.
iii. A tree protection order has passed for some trees on the land below Noble Street.
iv. Kompan has supplied two quotes for new parts needed, they were approved and it was decided to aim to combine the two and reduce delivery costs if possible. CW to action.
v. Local Forestry England staff have suggested using their assigned volunteer days to help BPC by litter picking. This suggestion was gratefully received, councillors questioned if requesting help with more specific tasks that fit their expertise would be more useful. CW to discuss options.
vi. Adult Services at NCC are aiming to trail a new scheme using Bellingham. As provision of social care can be difficult in remote areas some other county councils use an approved list of local private businesses. A register of interested suppliers could be formed that locals in need of support could be directed to. The work would be financed as part of the social care package. NCC to clarify terms and wording before BPC publicise. 

9. Borderlands - No updates have been received. 

10. Reports

i. Karbon / Esh road closure update. Discussed under item 2 C.Cllr report. CW to request official update in time for August meeting.
ii. Could the village defibrillators under BPC care be replaced using funding available? CW to price and to check funding options. 

11. Any urgent Business -

i. The extractor fan at a local food establishment is reported to be causing problems at the nearby properties. Private residents are encouraged to deal with this matter with NCC as needed, this falls outside PC jurisdiction.
ii. Could no fishing signs be erected along Hareshaw Burn? The environment agency have been made aware of unregulated fishing at that site. CW to enquire.
iii. Residents are reporting increased difficulty parking along Hareshaw burn the matter was discussed.
iv. The brown sign near Mile Bank is once again obscured by foliage. CW to seek solutions.
v. It was questioned whether parents could supervise children using the schools multi use sports area during the holidays, this query was redirected to the school governors. Cllr Kirkbride was pleased to report that 150 children will be supported for 12 days by the school activities happening over the summer holidays. 

12. Restricted Business - none

13. Agreement of date of next meeting - Wednesday August 21st  - 7pm (apologies received from Cllr Kirkbride and Cllr Tilley). 

Meeting was closed at 9.10pm

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