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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 19th July 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards.

In attendance: Clerk (Chris Woodcock has now taken over from Ben Dickson-Green), 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

A local resident reported back on his contact with NCC over potholes on Boat Road, these are due to be filled within days. NCC acknowledge that the road needs resurfaced although there are no immediate plans to execute this. It was noted that such work should be co-ordinated around WeFibre installation dates.

The resident also reported on the meeting of the North Tyne and Rede Business Partnership. Suggestions included increased signage suggesting those travelling stop in the village and directing guest to parking outside of the village centre. Cllr Dickson-Green explained that some parking signage is in situ and that care must be taken not to encourage parking in private car parks. An additional suggestion was to increase the scope of the festive late night shopping evening. BPC noted that individual support of businesses would be required but that plans are developing for their part this years event, to be discussed in due course. 

Colin Hall of the Environment Agency, whose role is to liaise with communities to mitigate flooding risks, attended to invite Bellingham to take part in the preparation of a flood plan. Recent and ongoing issues were discussed at length. BPC agreed to share information from EA in order to seek volunteers (Clerk and Cllr Dickson-Green to action).
In the absence of support from NCC for electronic signs to close the Bellingham to Woodburn road  during flooding it was agreed to see if alternative funding may be available (Clerk to action). 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. June meeting minutes - Agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Advertisements for new Councillors are online and on the noticeboard.

5.2 The new clerk has received the relevant information to share with NCC re the proposed dropped kerbs (Clerk to action). 

5.3 After a successful meeting on Monday we await the quote from Kompan to execute plans for developing a wheelchair accessible area in the play area and the replacement of the tyre jumps. 

5.4 The clerk will share the Transport Priorities before the deadline of 28.07 (Clerk to action). 

5.5 C.Cllr Riddle confirmed that plans to asset transfer land at Foundry Yard from the National Park to NCC for the purpose of parking had not made progress, seemingly awaiting NNPA (Clerk to contact NNPA directly for an update). 

5.6 Cllr Glen Sanderson has been invited to discuss matters relating to Bellingham School. A clear agenda should be prepared in the event the meeting goes ahead. 

5.7 The footpath to Riverdale has been incorporated into the Local Transport Priorities. 

5.8 & 5.9 Discussion postponed in Cllr Moore’s absence. 

6. Planning applications

6.1 Applications

6.1.1 23/00298/COU - Change of use from a plumbers business storage to a private/personal storage building.  Storage Building Bellingham Hexham Northumberland NE48 2BS.
Clerk to express the council’s support for this application. 

6.2 Decisions from NCC

6.2.1 23/02110/FUL - Garden Room at Broomsticks, Redesmouth Road - GRANTED.
6.2.2 23/00942/LBC Listed Building Consent for North View - GRANTED

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Income for the month:


  • Advertising income : £25.00
  • Indoor market income: £120.00
  • Honesty box: £25.85
  • Interest: £12.24


Invoices to be paid:


  • B Dickson-Green (Clerk): £212.51
  • C Woodcock (Clerk): £212.51
  • E Taylor (Handyman): £527.25
  • Town Hall rental: £70
  • DD - Wave (water rates): £28.00
  • DD - N Green (Cleaning): £154.34
  • CM Commercial (landscaping): £957.60
  • C Holbrow (Village Maintenance): £153.24

Bank account balances at 13/07/23 were:

  • Current account - £26,990.48
  • Reserves Account - £11,263.16
  • Cemetery Maintenance Fund - £6,835.36

7.2 2022- 2023 Audit Paperwork for approval

The clerk read aloud the audit paperwork and accounting statements, this included the fact that the internal auditors were satisfied with the financial processes and accounting practices. The council agree that the paperwork can be signed by the chair and RFO, the audit submitted and the exercise of rights period begin. 

8. Correspondence

8.1 Trees from a property at Redesmouth Court are overhanging Percy Terrace. Clerk to write to home owner(s) and request they address the issue (action). 

8.2 It was brought to council attention that North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll has visited the Mart site creating a video about the planned homes. A parishioner has also received a response from his office to their complaint that the wishes of local residents have been ignored during this process, but feels that the issue has still not been addressed.  It was queried whether BPC could invite or otherwise meet Mr Driscoll about this, the council regretfully felt that as planning permission has been granted there was no longer the opportunity for productive discussion. BPC are grateful that investment will create some new housing in the village despite local disappointments. 

8.3 A resident at The Croft reported regularly seeing off lead dogs in the Cemetery despite this being against the rules which are listed on site. A new sign will be installed in a prominent place stating that must be on a short lead. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action). 

8.4 A request for financial support from Sport Tynedale was received but does not meet the Grants criteria. 

9. Borderlands - No updates have been received. 

10. Reports

10.1 Foundry Farm Caravan Park

Parishioners have raised concerns about unsightly areas around the caravan site. This was determined to be outside of the jurisdiction of the council and it was suspected that these areas are part of ongoing works in progress. 

11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting

11.1 Councillors had an initial discussion with the candidate to replace the existing Clerk. 

11.2 It was noted that Karbon Homes had not cut the grass at the bottom section of Westlands, making it difficult for drivers to check for traffic. It was agreed to raise this with Karbon. (Clerk to action)

11.3 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that it was increasingly difficult to get traders for the market (especially food traders) due to a lack of footfall. It was agreed to continue to run the market but on a quarterly basis. 

12. Date of next meeting August 16th 2023. 

Meeting was closed at 8.32pm

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