Wednesday 19th July 2023 - 7.00pm
Bellingham Town Hall
Community Room
Part A
Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Riddle Update
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of June Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Planning Applications
6.1 Decision: 23/00942/LBC - GRANTED
6.2 23/00298/COU - Change of use from a plumbers business storage to a private/personal storage building. | Storage Building Bellingham Hexham Northumberland NE48 2BS
7. Finance
- 7.1 Jun-Jul income, expenses, bank balances
- 7.2 2022-2023 Audit Paperwork for Approval
8. Correspondence
9. Borderlands Updates
10. Notified reports
10.1 Cllr Irving: Hareshaw Caravan Site
11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting
12. Agreement of date of next meeting - August 16th
Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda
5. Matters arising - updates required
- Advertise for new Cllrs
- Confirm location of dropped kerbs with NCC
- Meet with Kompan re new play area equipment
- Send Local Transport Priorities to NCC
- Follow up with J.Riddle re Foundry Yard car park
- Invite Cllr Sanderson to meeting re Bellingham School
Cllr Dickson-Green
- Liaise with NCC re footpath towards Riverdale
Cllr Moore
- Explore options for ongoing village maintenance & respond to play area safety reports
- Play area bolts to be secured to prevent removal
6. Planning Applications
Decision: 23/00942/LBC Listed Building Consent for North View - GRANTED
7 Finance
7.1 Income and expenses - Jun-Jul
- Advertising income : £25.00
- Indoor market income: £120.00
- Honesty box: £25.85
Invoices to be paid:
- B Dickson-Green (Clerk): £212.51
- C Woodcock (Clerk): £212.51
- E Taylor (Handyman): £527.25
- Town Hall rental: £70
- DD - Wave (water rates): £28.00
- DD - N Green (Cleaning): £154.34
- CM Commercial (landscaping): £957.60
- C Holbrow (Village Maintenance): £153.24
Bank account balances as at 16/6/23:
Current account £26,990.48
Reserves Account: £11,263.16
Cemetery Maintenance Fund: £6,835.36