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Minutes of Parish Meeting - 20th July 2022

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Huddlestone, Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Moore, Cllr Brebner, Cllr Irving, Cllr Tilley

In attendance: Clerk, 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

A resident attended the meeting to raise concerns over the approval of the Mart Field development and its potential impact on the village. He stated that he had contacted Cllr Riddle and various other county councillors but had not received any satisfactory responses to justify the approval. Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the Parish had requested final information on the conditions attached to the development from Cllr Riddle. It was agreed that as soon as these facts became available the Parish would make an official response. The resident stated that it was remiss of Cllr Riddle not to attend the meeting after such a controversial planning decision.

Another local resident noted that the potential for the moving of the Co-op to a site on the Mart Field would have a damaging effect on the village centre. Cllr Dickson-Green urged him and anyone else with concerns to put comments onto the planning portal to flag them to NCC. The resident also raised some repairs needed at the Jubilee Field play area and queried drainage under the Fairstead as additional drainage was needed for the football pitch (Clerk to action). He donated £60 towards the management of the play area and the PC expressed its thanks for this.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None received

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - None

4. June 2022 minutes - agreed with one amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk had forwarded outstanding queries from NCC to Cllr Sanderson and had received a reply to be covered within correspondence. An online meeting had also been arranged between councillors and Rob Murfin, Director of Planning for NCC on 24th August. Details to be forwarded to all councillors. (Clerk to action)

5.2 The Clerk raised several queries with NTRCP regarding requested village activities. Events to allow parishioners to drop in and get information about key council and other services are in process of being developed. Expansion of recycling facilities in Station Yard was not felt to be practical. The possibility of running a bus service for local residents had been discussed, but the licensing and the high cost of hiring a bus were key problems. Councillors felt that it might be possible to purchase a community bus with the support of grant applications backed by a wide range of local groups. This was to be investigated with NTRCP, local schools and churches (Clerk and Cllr Kirkbride to action).

5.3 The Clerk was awaiting the delivery of a new bin for Briar Hill playground, and had made relevant amendments to policies and procedures for the agenda as outlined at the last meeting.

5.4 The war memorial amendments had been agreed with the stonemason and they just needed chasing for a start date (Clerk to action).

5.5 The Clerk had not been able to submit a grant application in time for the playground funding. Cllr Dickson-Green noted that it would be sensible for all Councillors to have some ideas for projects in mind in case funding became available. The Clerk stated that he had asked Borderlands for details about the feedback comments from residents.

5.6 The Clerk had arranged for the memorial safety checks to be undertaken at St Cuthbert’s and liaised with the Church Wardens regarding this. The quote to clear the overgrown border at Redesmouth Road had been accepted and was mostly complete.

5.7 A quote to add a finer surface to the Jubilee Field path for £1,700 + VAT had been received and it was agreed to proceed with this. (Clerk to action)

5.8 Cllr Moore had obtained some free bat boxes for the Croft Cemetery and agreed to install them. (Cllr Moore to action) He also noted that the Golf Club were awaiting final information from Northumberland Estates before the Fairstead could finally be considered for lease by the Parish Council. Cllr Moore stated that he would find new trees for the Croft Cemetery to replace the tree blown down in the last storms. (Cllr Moore to action)

5.9 Cllr Dickson-Green had expressed the Parish’s agreement over the final form of the road and parking lining agreed by Cllr Riddle. It was expected to be undertaken in October, just after the main holiday season.

5.10 Cllr Dickson-Green also noted that all Councillors now had their own email addresses as requested. The playground honesty box was still to be put up (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

5.11 Cllr Dickson-Green stated that he had received a quote to sand the chapel floors down, but it was agreed to clean the floors instead and consider carpet runners once the state of the floor was ascertained. Skirting board was estimated to cost around £54 and this was agreed. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

5.12 It was agreed that an update on oil tank security was not needed as there had been no evidence of oil tank thefts in the area. Cllr Kirkbride noted the importance of safety around rivers and lakes in the hot weather and it was confirmed that the warning adverts he had highlighted had been advertised by the Parish via social media.

5.13 Cllr Kirkbride noted that he had a meeting with the graphic designer imminently to progress the local beer initiative. (Cllr Kirkbride to action).

6. Finance

6.1 Income, expenses, bank balance and budget review


Indoor market income: £160.00
Toilet honesty box: £39.86
Interest - £0.04

Cemetery fees: £935.00

Invoices to be paid:

  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £189.74
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) = £957.60
  • CM Commercial (wildflower sections) = £400.00 - to be queried before payment
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £459.75
  • Town Hall (rental for June) = £70.00
  • DD - Wave (water rates) = £19.00
  • N Green (cleaning) = £137.80
  • Bellingham Country Store (consumables) = £141.00
  • M Dickson-Green (expenses): £57.08
    • Chapel key cutting - £8.00
    • Cleaning products for chapel - £8.30
    • Playground honesty box - £40.78
  • B Huddleston (expenses - bunting) - £85.00
  • Playsafety (Playground checks) - £180.60

Bank account balances as at 15/7/22:

Current account £34,897.68
Jubilee Field Account: £2.217.20
Cemetery Maintenance Fund: £2,800.95

Investment fund available at the end of April was approximately £19,514.

6.2 Grant Applications

6.2.1 It was agreed to donate £200 to the South Shield’s Children’s trip the following week.

6.2.2 It was agreed to donate £300 towards the cost of a refrigerator for the Community Pantry to be opened in August by NTRCP.

6.3 Insurance Quotation

The Clerk noted that the Parish had been quoted approximately £1,500 for its insurance by its current brokers. A different broker had been found who had offered a quote of £702.25 for more cover. It was agreed to accept this quote. (Clerk to action)

7. Planning Applications

7.1 21/03415/FUL - Former Auction Mart - it was agreed to make a formal comment on this once the final details of the planning conditions were known.

7.2 22/02163/FUL - Change of use of ground floor building - it was agreed to support the application

7.3 The Clerk noted that planning relating to 3 Callister’s Court, Hole Farm and Shellcroft had all been approved. A planning appeal had been lodged relating to conditions imposed on an application at Shield Law.

8. Correspondence

8.1 A resident had been in touch asking if a patch of grass in St Cuthbert’s could be left to grow and be managed for wildflowers. It had been agreed with the Vicar and the Parish agreed to let the grass cutting contractor know about this (Clerk to action).

8.2 Permission for date of erection of an interpretation board near Cuddie’s Well had been received and the Clerk had informed them this was NCC land not Parish land.

8.3 NCC had informed the Parish that they had reviewed the business signs at Catholic Corner and, due to a lack of planning permission for them, would be writing to the relevant businesses and asking for their removal. NCC had also provided an environmental toolkit for parish councils which the Clerk agreed to circulate. (Clerk to action)

8.4 The Clerk noted that two residents had been in touch regarding worries over speeding on the main routes into the village.

8.5 Falstone PC had been in touch regarding the creation of a bus service supported by the Parish Councils between Kielder and Hexham. Councillors felt as a bus operated between Bellingham and Hexham, a service running between Kielder and Bellingham would be more appropriate, but that it would need consideration with the parishes inbetween as a first step. It was felt this could tie into the purchase of a community bus as mentioned earlier. (Clerk to action)

8.6 Corsenside PC had been in touch to ask for help with improving their website design, with Cllr Dickson-Green offering help regarding this.

8.7 A resident had copied the PC into several complaints made regarding the decision over the Mart Field building application. The Clerk was asked to forward these to all councillors for review. (Clerk to action)

Councillors reiterated that they had maintained their objection to the development in its current form. The Parish Council fully supported development on the site, as well as the creation of affordable housing. However they felt that it was important that the development met the needs of the local area. An objection was primarily lodged for the following reasons:

The plans put forward by the developers had no requirement for the affordable homes to be made available to local residents by priority. The proportion of affordable homes in one development also breached national guidelines.

The proposals risked adding to the burden on Bellingham’s parking by not having sufficient spaces allotted to the housing for vulnerable residents and offered no additional public parking.

The development failed to meet planning guidelines relating to green space/play areas and there was no confirmation of s106 payments to allow for investment in other local facilities to offset this.

However the Councillors stressed that they supported a development on the site, as well the creation of affordable housing.

8.8 NCC had been in touch with the Parish about putting cycle racks into the village centre. Several locations were discussed in theory, but it was agreed that it would ultimately be down to NCC to decide best central spaces. (Clerk to action).

8.9 The Clerk noted that there were several people currently reserving spaces for graves in the cemetery. There seemed to be some confusion for people due to many graves being unmarked. It was agreed to look at whether an electronic plot map could be developed to show all available and occupied plots to make it easier for residents to identify available plots. It was also agreed to purchase a book on cemetery law for £39. (Clerk to action)

8.10 A local resident had been in touch regarding concerns over planning irregularities for planning approval on the site of the new estate near Briar Hill. It was agreed that this would be raised with Rob Murfin at the August meeting.

8.11 A couple of residents had been in touch regarding areas of grass that had been missed by Karbon Homes when cutting. It was agreed to raise this with Karbon. It had also been raised that the footpath to the allotments near the Fairstead was becoming overgrown, but the Parish noted that this was not land they owned and therefore was not something the Parish could maintain. (Clerk to action)

8.12 A full response to outstanding queries had been received from NCC and was discussed by councillors.

Street lighting - lighting on the Tyne Bridge may be possible (subject to LBC) but this would have to be part of the PC’s local transport priorities (LTP). In addition, a review of the street lighting of the village since the LED switchover was to be undertaken and results sent through to the PC.

Hareshaw Linn signage near the golf club - this was to avoid visitors turning down through the golf club incorrectly thinking it would lead to Hareshaw Linn. This was to be reviewed by NCC, but the signage would have to be paid for by the National Parks.

Moving the 30mph speed limit back past the Golf Club entrance - this had been rejected by NCC as not being necessary, but there were plans to improve safety between Whitewall Nook and Sheil Law - which the Parish wished to get additional clarification on. (Clerk to action)

Standing water at St Cuthbert’s - to be monitored by Highways

Crossing between Station Yard and Hillside - this was not considered appropriate due to poor visibility.

Signage regarding safety around playgrounds - NCC did not feel any was appropriate near Briar Hill, but would support warning signs near Jubilee Field play area, which was supported by Councillors (Clerk to action)

Reduced speed limit at Redesmouth - this was in phase 1 design for this financial year. Clerk to confirm this means it is proceeding. (Clerk to action)

Poor state of footpath along the river at the Boat Road - this was agreed by NCC. Funds would not be available in the current year but plans would be made for improvements next year.

Weeding of pavements and kerbs and cleaning of gullies are on an ad-hoc basis and are not formally scheduled. Any issues will need to be raised with NCC as they arise.

9. Borderlands

No updates had been received.

10. Reports

10.1 Playground safety update

10.1.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted a list of repairs that had been found by ROSPA and local residents. It was agreed that spare parts would be ordered and quotes undertaken for the work. Any hazardous equipment would be marked out of use. (Clerk to action)

10.2 Northern PowerGrid metal pole painting

10.2.1 Cllr Dickson-Green had been in touch with Otterburn PC who had asked PowerGrid to repaint metal poles in the village in a poor state. Otterburn Parish Clerk had put him in touch with relevant PowerGrid staff who had agreed to undertake painting of all poles in Bellingham.

10.3 Defibrillators

10.3.1 Cllr Irving noted that the Town Hall defibrillator needed a new battery, which would cost up to £275, though a lower price one would be sought. This was agreed.  It was also agreed to get in touch with the Heritage Centre to find a suitable location for a final defibrillator. (Cllr Irving to action)

10.4 Traffic speeding issues

10.4.1 Cllr Irving expressed concerns over speeding traffic in the village and wanted information on when training for the new community speed watch could begin. Cllr Kirkbride agreed to investigate this (Cllr Kirkbride to action).

10.5 Local Transport Priorities

10.5.1 It was agreed to put forward three main priorities:

Traffic calming on all approaches to the village

Lighting on the Tyne Bridge

Levelling and improving the footpath between St Cuthbert’s and the Jubilee Field. (Clerk to action)

11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting

11.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted issues with grass cutting by Karbon at Home Court and Fareshaw Crescent. (Clerk to action)

11.2 A handrail for the Jubilee Field steps was raised. The Clerk noted he was still trying to get a quote from someone to do this and would keep looking. (Clerk to action)

12. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 17th August

13. Restricted Business

The Clerk noted that there had been issues with the management of the cemetery, such as the issuing and completion of documentation, before he had brought it back in house. It was agreed that the standing orders would be amended to ensure that cemetery management would never be outsourced to a third party and could only ever be directly managed by the Clerk.

Meeting was closed at 9.21 pm.

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