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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 17th January 2024

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Couns Wilkinson (in the chair) Tilley (acting clerk), Irving, Turner, Kirkbride, Moore, Richardson. One member of the public 

In attendance: 1 member of the public

Part A - Public Participation

A member of the public raised concerns about procedural issues leading to the granting of planning permission against officers’ advice for the building of 63 social housing units on the former Bellingham Mart Field. She suggested the parish council seek legal advice about possible multiple breaches of planning legislation, but it was agreed in the first instance the allegations be put directly to the county council for clarification.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Coun. Armstrong

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. December meeting minutes - Agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 It was  reported that Dickinsons had accepted responsibility for damage to cemetery paths, which was caused inadvertently when heavy machinery had to be brought in to pump out a new grave which had been filled with water following persistent rain.

5.2 The Ray Wind Farm Fund had paid the parish council £12,500 towards the cost of new play equipment at the Jubilee Field. A work schedule was to be agreed with Kompan.

5.3 Following the publication of tender documents for parish council grass cutting and landscape maintenance requirements, three applicants had been sent details of work needed.

6. Planning applications

6.1 Consultation on app 23/04477/FUL at The Station, Redesmouth:  No objections.

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance


Ray Wind Farm: £12,500

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £5 (01.01)
Anglian water - £4 (01.01)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (01.01)

Invoices to be paid:
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
C Woodcock (Expenses - Spanglefish Web Hosting) £39.95
C Woodcock (Expenses - Hostworld email storage) £2.36
C Woodcock (Expenses Hostworld annual fees) - £28.80
Exiam Village Maintenance - £288

Bank Accounts as of 31/12/23
Treasurers Account - £44,766.96 * Cemeteries Account - £6,968.91 * Reserve Account - £11,317.76

8. Correspondence

8.1 A resident complained that the Fairstead car park had been used as an unofficial compound for storage of plant and equipment by county highways, and contractors carrying out work on two different sections of the Otterburn Road. The surface of the car park had been churned up and damaged, and piles of aggregate had been left on site. 

It was agreed county highways should be asked to reinstate the site and the matter should also be raised with Coun. John Riddle.

9. Borderlands - Rob Strettle that Bellingham remained an identified village in the second phase of the Borderlands Place Programme, and despite changes of personnel, work would continue to progress the scheme during 2024. A promised telephone call from Mr Strettle had yet to materialise.

10. Reports

10.1 The chairman reported that a safety barrier on the Black Bull Steps down to Manchester Square had been snapped off at ground level. As ownership of the steps was unclear, it was agreed to raise the matter with NCC in the first instance, and if no satisfactory solution was forthcoming, to seek the views of local fabricator Phil Dent.

10.2 Coun. Irving reported that drainage pots on the Tyne Bridge were full of debris, and needed clearing out. The matter was to be referred to county highways.

10.3 Coun. Irving lamented the lack of gritting on footpaths in the village during recent frosty weather. It was agreed that the parish council try to pull together a team of volunteers to spread salt on paths from the various grit bins around the village when conditions were icy.. 

11.  Date of next meeting February 21st 2024.


Meeting was closed at 8.15pm

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