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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Income and Expenditure Analysis

Policy Adopted May 2023. Next Review Date May 2024


Bellingham Parish Council receives money from several sources to help it undertake work for the local community. A list of the main sources of income and the relevant charges is outlined below.

  2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Precept £32,447 £32,772 £35,295
Allotment Fees (per full plot) £20 £25 £25
Burial Fees £20 £20 £575
Exclusive Right of Burial £10 £10 £160
Headstone Erection N/A N/A £175
Jubilee Field Annual Advertisig Fees N/A From £25pa From £25pa


This money is used to provide a wide range of services to the residents of Bellingham Parish. These include:

-  Maintenance of Jubilee Field park and playground

-  Schemes to encourage tourism and local businesses

-  Grass cutting - parks, verges and public areas

-  Provision and management of allotments

-  Management of the local cemetery

-  Tree maintenance within the town centre

-  Provision of public restrooms throughout the year

-  Gritting and path clearance in winter

-  Provision of electric car chargers

-  Support for local causes, charities and clubs

-  Christmas lights and decorations

-  Litter management

-  Local voice for planning issues

-  Support for the Town Hall

-  Maintenance of local historic items, such as the war memorial, chapel. fountain and lichgate.


List of Current Parish Council Contracts:

Contract Details Annual Cost Contract End Date
C M Mowatt Grass Cutting £8,800 March 2023
Parish Clerk Administration £2,100 Ongoing
Northumberland Estates Lease of Public Conveniences £10 Ongoing
Hesleyside Estates Rental of Allotments £200 Ongoing
N Green Cleaning Services £1,560 Ongoing
E Taylor Handyman £5,000 (Approx) Ongoing
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