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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 21st February 2024

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Knudsen, Cllr Armstrong, Cllr Turner.​

In attendance: Clerk, 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

i. Concerns were raised over the poor condition of the Riverside Path. It was felt that the rectory field in particular was contributing to water logging. The Councillors advised that maintenance of the path has been scheduled with NCC. Clerk to contact the rectory to see if the field drainage can be improved. 

ii. Complaints were received that the village does not look like it is being swept and widespread dissatisfaction with the current levels of cleanliness was reported.  The lack of attention from local businesses was noted and ways to encourage each property to take responsibility for their own area were discussed. Clerk to clarify the current maintenance/street cleaning contract and amend as necessary. Clerk to take steps to contact local businesses and initiate an incentive to help support the village more. 

iii. The council were advised that Bellingham in Bloom does not have the manpower to fill and maintain the village tubs and hanging baskets this year. Alternative options were discussed and it was acknowledged that support from nearby residents for watering would be needed. Clerk to seek costs for filling the containers in June. Councillors to consider ways to attract volunteers. 

iv. Despite recent pollarding of the deciduous trees, access for large vehicles to Foundry Yard is still being impeded by the fir trees. Clerk to report to National Park. 

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - None received

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. January meeting minutes - Signed as correct

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Update re Toilet Block refurbishment
An up to date list of the issues at the public toilets was given. Options from immediate small fixes to a complete overhaul were discussed as the clerk sought clarification about what was to be asked of the several plumbers engaged to visit the site. It was noticed that the toilets are still listed as an NCC asset. Clerk to clarify ownership/lease arrangements. Cllr Turner to meet a local builder on site for advice. Clerk and available Cllrs to meet with more plumbers. 

5.2 Prices & location of new bin near Percy Terrace
It was discovered that a small dedicated dog mess bin is approximately the same cost as a wheelie bin. The latter being advantageous because the larger size is better suited to the fortnightly collection schedule. Cllrs Tilley and Armstrong to meet on site and choose a suitable location, clerk to place order. 

5.3 Tyne Bridge Drainage. 5.4 Black Bull Steps
The county council have been informed of the problems reported in January at both locations. 

6. Planning applications

6.1 Decisions from NCC - None
6.2 Applications - i. 23/03985/FUL Land North East Of Bridgeford View - further reports have been submitted on the original application.
The council felt that the changes to the plans shown last year failed to address any of their ongoing concerns over flooding. It was observed that there are no two bedroom houses currently being built locally that will be available to purchase. Clerk to reiterate previous objections to this application. 

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Allotment - £12.50 (13b)
Interest - £7.70
Interest  - £12.51
Honesty Box (toilets) - £21.39 

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £5 (01.02)
Anglian water - £4 (01.02)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (30.01)
Kompan (Towards playground improvement) - £14,311.94 (30.01)

Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £432
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
M B Handyman (Toilet repair): £80
Redeswood Forestry (1 day pollarding & Christmas Lights) : £2310
Redeswood Forestry (2 days pollarding) : £1710

Bank Accounts as of 15/2/24
Treasurers Account - £30,441.77
Cemeteries Account - £6,983.81
Reserve Account - £11,341.96

All expenses approved. 

7.2 Grant Application - £300 towards Bellingham Firework Display
It was agreed to support this application, with the funds due to be given nearer the time. 

8. Correspondence

8.1 An invitation is open to all councillors to attend the Town and Parish Conference hosted by NCC. 

8.2 Concern has been raised over changes to local bus schedules. Queries about the matter to C.Cllr John Riddle have got unanswered. Clerk to seek clarification, especially about the withdrawal of the popular Saturday service, from NCC. 

8.3 The Lloyds bank Mobile Van which currently attends fortnightly is scheduled to be withdrawn at the end of May. It has recently had problems finding somewhere to park. Cllr Turner to reserve a space using a cone every second Wednesday morning until June. 

9. Borderlands - No updates have been received. 

10. Reports

10.1 Clerk - Landscape Tender
Three quotes which had been submitted were discussed. It was agreed to grant Chris Mowatt the tender, this was the most local and cost effective option. 

10.2 Clerk - Maintenance of Cemetery records
The clerk suggested that the cemetery records which date from pre 1896 but are in poor condition receive some attention to ensure their longevity. Prices were discussed. It was agreed to get the books repaired and rebound at a local Bookbinders. It was also agreed to digitise the records, the clerk is to be paid an additional fee equivalent to ten hours work to undertake this. Provision for a fireproof storage box was also to be made. Clerk to action 3 points

10.3 Cllr Tilley - Photograph Display Damage
The images believed to belong to the Bellingham Heritage Centre that are located near the petrol station have been damaged. Clerk to report to BHC. 

10.4 Cllr Wilkinson - Bellingham in Bloom - discussed during Public Participation. 

10.5 Cllr Wilkinson - Allotment Update
Clerk to share update with the Cllr Wilkinson about any outstanding payments & organise a large skip for the second week of March. 

10.6 Cllr Irving - Rats, Lock up Lane
In addition to the issues of litter reported elsewhere Lock up Lane is said to be particularly poor. Rats have been seen. Clerk to report to NCC. 

10.7 Cllr Irving - Village Cleaning (to include Broken Glass)
While this matter was discussed during Public Participation, the Clerk added that as broken glass is considered hazardous, this can be reported (alongside fly tipping or any other harmful litter) directly to NCC for clean up. 

11. Any other business

11.1 A request for a location to hold a "meet the candidate" session in Bellingham has been made by the Labour candidate.   Making it clear that the Parish Council do not support any political party, it was suggested the contact details of the Town Hall be passed along. Cllr Knudsen to action.  

12 Restricted business

12.1 Clerk’s contract - on hold until Cllr Kirkbride provides an update.

Date of next meeting

March 20th 2024, 7pm. 

Meeting was closed at 9pm

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