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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 16th February 2022

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Brebner, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Irving, Cllr Riley, Cllr Moore, Cllr Huddleston

In attendance: Clerk, 2 members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

Two local residents were in attendance to put forward ideas for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. They suggested the installation of a beacon and/or a Jubilee garden. This was discussed and it was agreed for the Clerk to send round copies of the garden proposals to all Councillors as well as investigating the installation and cost of a beacon in Jubilee Field (Clerk to action).

It was noted that the Town Hall was considering hosting a tea dance/indoor street party on the weekend of the Platinum Jubilee.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Kirkbride


2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - Cllr Dickson-Green and Cllr Tilley to update DOIs regarding new links to Borderlands committee (Cllr Dickson-Green and Cllr Tilley to action).

4. January minutes - agreed with one amendment relating to the ongoing application for Cllr Kirkbride and Cllr Riley to the Bellingham Schools board of governors.

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Ideas for initiatives were discussed, with Cllr Moore stating that he was to meet with NCC regarding sourcing free trees for the proposed new Jubilee Woodland near the Fairstead. He was also to discuss the plans for the Fairstead site with the Golf Club to progress the plans for the tree planting (Cllr Moore to action).

5.2 Cllr Moore was also planning on investigating the tree maintenance work planned for the cemetery to get costs for the work to be done (Cllr Moore to action). It was noted that concerns over the state of trees opposite Fountain Cottage and in the lower cemetery seemed to be unnecessary as a survey of both trees showed no issues of major concern.

5.3 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that there would shortly be a significant investigation by the Borderlands Committee into the key priorities of the parish and that this could be used to assess the Parish Council’s priorities for the coming years as well.

5.4 The Clerk noted that the initial feedback/queries regarding the parking and lighting issues in the village had been sent to Cllr Riddle. Play items for the Toddler’s group had been delivered and advertised. Cemetery software would be reviewed to set up a basic bespoke system.

5.5 The Clerk had submitted the formal objection to the revised plans on the Mart Field and had arranged for slabs to be laid under the feet of the picnic tables in the Jubilee Field as well as in front of the dog waste bin at Hareshaw Linn, though this had not yet been undertaken.

5.6 Signage requested for the steps at St Cuthbert’s had been approved and the Clerk had been in touch with NCC regarding clearance of leaves on the path to Riverdale as well as a manhole cover problem at Westlands.

5.7 The Clerk had received the details of the individual to be awarded Honorary Freeman in the year and this was to be arranged for the next Parish Council meeting. (Clerk to action).

5.8 The quote for adding additional base concrete underneath the mats underneath the zip wire in the Jubilee Field play area had increased the price by around £600. This revised quote was approved (Clerk to action).

5.9 Cllr Irving and the Clerk noted that written permission had been received for the installation of a defibrillator on the Fire Station building.

5.10 Cllr Irving noted that the road opposite St Cuthbert’s church was in poor condition and needed to be repaired. It was not thought that the road had been adopted by NCC so this was to be investigated (Clerk to action). He also noted the need for a handrail to be installed on the steps down to the Jubilee Field. The Clerk noted that he had been unable to find a contractor to do this work, but would investigate further (Clerk to action).

5.11 Cllr Dickson-Green stated that he had purchased the wood for the notice boards at Charlton and Redesmouth. Dog control signs had been purchased for the Jubilee Field and were to put up. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

5.12 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that Pod-Point had finally started making the payments they owed for the car chargers but were yet to repair one that had been offline for a month or so. The situation was to be monitored going forward.


6. Planning applications -

6.1 In consultation with NALC, the following resolution was passed unanimously by Councillors:

The Clerk is authorised to respond to all planning consultations, following consultation with all Councillors, if the time for a response is before a scheduled meeting of the Council.

The Clerk noted that since the previous meeting, after consultation with Parish Councillors, he had submitted supporting comments for planning applications relating to Town Hall repairs and an interpretation board near St Cuthbert’s Well.

6.2 NCC parking proposals were reviewed. It was agreed that the Parish Council’s previous objections to the double yellow lines the length of the road outside the grocer’s were to be reiterated - backed up by the negative response from local residents online and by email (Clerk to action). The Clerk noted several emails had been received expressing opposition to this part of the proposals.

Councillors also discussed the installation of six new EV charging sockets next to the public toilets. Several residents had expressed concern about the impact on parking and this was echoed by some Councillors. It was noted that the decision to site the EV chargers in that location was down to NCC and that the Parish had not been formally consulted and had no say over the siting. However, only two of the six spaces would have enforcement to keep non EV vehicles from parking in them. In addition, it was noted that the infrastructure was needed to help support residents as they transition to EVs in the next few years as a legal requirement.

Cllr Huddleston noted that the Parish Council needed to consider how to improve parking in the village. The Clerk noted that NCC was currently looking at proposals to expand parking at Foundry Yard and Westlands.

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses, bank balance and budget review

Income for the month:

  • Interest - £0.05
  • Indoor Market fees - £126.00
  • Toilet Honesty box - £12.08
  • Allotment fees - £375.00
  • Burial fees - £40.00

Invoices to be paid:


  • B Dickson-Green (Clerk pay and £226.05 expenses) - £415.79
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) - £957.60
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £381.90
  • DD - Wave (water rates) = £44.00
  • N Green (cleaning) = £137.80
  • Town Hall (rental for month) = £70.00
  • Bellingham Country Store = £65.55
  • M Dickson-Green: £74.41 made up of:
    • Dog control signs = £19.26
    • T&G for notice boards = £55.15


Bank account balances at 13/1/22 were:

  • Current account - £33.568.14
  • Jubilee Field account - £2,217.10
  • Cemetery maintenance fund - £3,710.82

Investment fund available at the end of September was approximately £21,300.


8. Correspondence

8.1 Several residents had raised queries via Facebook regarding the public use of the Town Hall in the event of long power cuts. It was agreed after discussion with representatives of the Town Hall Committee that in the event of power being lost to the village overnight, the Town Hall will be opened up from 10am - 4pm by volunteers the following day to allow people to fill flasks of hot water, get free tea and coffee and warm up. Councillors agreed to pay for the cost of the fuel needed for the generator in this eventuality. Clerk to publicise this going forward. (Clerk to action).

8.2 Northumbrian Water and the Environment Agency had responded to concerns about discharge of sewage in Bellingham. They confirmed that any release had been within tolerances and they were currently upgrading the sewage facilities in Bellingham, meaning that they could cope with new housing developments. The Clerk noted that if residents are concerned that there has been a discharge of sewage they can call the EA on 0800 807060.

8.3 CAB and Age UK had requested donations, but had already been refused in previous months due to not being a locally based charity. However the Clerk had advertised their services to locals as requested.   

8.4 The Clerk noted that the repairs to the gravestones in Bellingham cemetery had still not been completed, but that another memorial mason had been enquiring about the work. It was agreed to contact the current masons and ask for an completion date for the works. If this was not satisfactory the remainder of the repair work could be moved to the new masons, dependent on cost. (Clerk to action)

8.5 The Clerk had investigated the use of s106 payments in the area and noted that the central pot of s106 held by NCC should be checked regularly to help fund projects in the village when available.

8.6 The latch on the gate to the Jubilee Field appeared to have been stolen, so a replacement is to be sourced (Clerk to action).

8.7 Several residents had queried whether the old Barclay’s Bank building on Front Street had been granted planning permission for its conversion into a bed and breakfast. NCC’s planning department was to be contacted to query this. (Clerk to action) Cllr Moore noted that a contractor for the building work at the Bank had damaged the metal sign and the handrail leading to Malting Close and would investigate this further (Cllr Moore to action).

8.8 It was agreed to liaise with the Town Hall, Gym, Rede Hall and Riverdale to provide information on healthy living classes to be advertised at Bellingham Surgery. It was also agreed to publicise some public walks on a new website recommended to the Parish Council. (Clerk to action)

8.9 Signage requests had been received from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for a sign to be erected at the entrance to the Croft Cemetery. It was agreed to proceed with this. (Clerk to action)

8.10 NCC had been unable to repair the damaged cast iron ‘Welcome to Bellingham’ sign at the Jubilee Field and had offered to pay for another. It was agreed for the parish to source one and recharge NCC. (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

8.11 A resident had complained about the cutting down of vegetation along the burn near the vets. It was noted that this was done to reduce flooding as well as not being an area that the parish had any authority over. (Clerk to action)

8.12 A local resident had made a number of queries regarding car parking and the development of the Mart Field. It was agreed to suggest that they contact NCC directly with queries and objections as the Parish Council had now submitted its formal response (Clerk to action).

8.13 A resident had requested information on the ownership of the old railway line near Westlands and if it could be converted into a dirt-biking site for local children. It was noted that the site is owned by NCC but was unsuitable for the suggested purpose as there were raised drains along its length as well as issues with flooding. (Cllr Brebner to action)


9. Borderlands

It was agreed to make this a standing point on the agenda to enable regular updates for the parish council about progress. Cllr Tilley discussed the first meeting where priorities were set. It was noted that it was at very early stages but that there would soon be a detailed consultation with local residents to look at areas that funding would be best spent on.


10. Reports

10.1 Cllr Huddleston had investigated the possibility of having a series of events on the Sunday of the Platinum Jubilee weekend. This would involve an afternoon of activities for children and a picnic, followed by music and a disco. All would be held at the Jubilee Field. The cost of approximately £1,200 was approved (Cllr Huddleston to action). Bunting for the village and a flag for the Town Hall were to be costed (Cllr Huddleston and Cllr Dickson-Green to action). It was also agreed to look into the return of the raft race on the North Tyne river, as well as football matches for local residents. (Cllr Huddleston and Cllr Dickson-Green to action). The Clerk noted that when a full list of activities was finalised, work would need to be done on a risk assessment as well as contacting the parish insurance providers to make them aware of the event (Clerk to action).


11. Any Urgent Business

11.1 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the storms had damaged several of the Indoor Market signs and it was agreed to fund replacements (Cllr Dickson-Green to action).

11.2 Cllr Irving noted that a local resident was retiring from the fire service after many years and it was agreed to send him a letter of thanks on behalf of the Parish (Clerk to action).


12. Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 16th March

Meeting was closed at 8.47pm

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