Wednesday 16th February 2022 - 7pm
Bellingham Town Hall
Community Room
Part A
Public Participation - including any ideas for Platinum Jubilee celebrations
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. County Councillor Report - Cllr Riddle update
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of January Meeting - to be agreed
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Planning Applications
- 6.1 Planning applications received between meetings
- 6.2 Consultation received regarding NCC parking proposals
7. Finance
- 7.1 Jan-Feb income, expenses, bank balances and budget review
8. Correspondence
9. Borderlands Updates
10. Reports - to include:
- 10.1 Platinum Jubilee Plans - Cllr Huddleston
11. Any Urgent Business
12. Agreement of date of next meeting - Wednesday 16th March