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Equal Opportunities Policy

Policy Adopted May 2023. Next Review Date May 2024


1. Objectives of this policy

Bellingham Parish Council’s intention is to be an effective Equal Opportunities organisation.  This means it will do everything in its power to ensure that everyone has equal access, and is treated with respect, in relation to employment opportunities, to its services and to all its activities.


2. Members and employees

All councillors and employees are required to treat one another with mutual respect.  Actions, behaviour and attitudes should consistently demonstrate respect for the dignity and worth of an individual, irrespective of the position they have within the organisation.

Bellingham Parish Council will make every effort to create a workplace where individuals are valued, listened to and treated with respect.

Bellingham Parish Council maintains a work environment that seeks out and values the insight, experience, contribution and full participation of all staff.

Harassment and discrimination in any form is unacceptable behaviour and offenders will be subject to disciplinary action.


3. As a Service Provider

Bellingham Parish Council will strive to ensure that all services provided by, or on behalf of, the Council are made accessible to all individuals and groups equally and without discrimination.

All service users will be treated with respect.  Actions, behaviour and attitudes should consistently demonstrate respect for the dignity and worth of an individual.

Bellingham Parish Council will, wherever appropriate, work in partnership with other agencies in the area, including the county and district councils, voluntary groups and community organisations to promote equal opportunities.

Bellingham Parish Council will ensure that all contractors directly supplying goods and services or executing works for, or on behalf of the Council, comply with this Council’s stated policy on equal opportunities.


4. The Policy in Action

4.1   Regarding members and employees

Bellingham Parish Council aims to achieve the policy by:

  • ensuring its employees are made aware of their rights and responsibilities to each other, the customer and the organisation regarding equal opportunities issues;
  • providing a way in which individuals can communicate any concerns via competent named personnel;
  • treating any unacceptable behaviour seriously;
  • ensuring everyone within the parish council realises they have a key role in implementing this policy and are expected to take personal responsibility in ensuring its success;
  • providing awareness training (where this is deemed necessary) for all employees and Councillors, ensuring opportunities to develop relevant competencies are available to implement the policy;

4.2    As a Service Provider

Bellingham Parish Council aims to achieve its policy by:

  • providing training for all staff and councillors in equal opportunities awareness (where this is deemed necessary), emphasising equality of treatment in service delivery;
  • ensuring that no member of the public is disadvantaged, or treated less favourably than others, in terms of access to Council services.  Where the Council’s practice, policy or procedures are found to make access impossible or unreasonably difficult, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to change these practices, policies or procedures;
  • ensuring that, wherever practical, all public buildings and premises owned or managed by the Council are accessible to all.
  • recognising the importance of communication in attaining equity and quality services, which are responsive to the needs of all local people, for example through the provision of information in large print on request;
  • complying with all relevant legislation relating to discrimination and equity.


5. Role of Councillors and Employees

All Councillors and employees are responsible for implementing the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy.  It is important that all individuals who are employed by the Council appreciate that they have a responsibility and a role to play in the provision of equal opportunities.


6. Monitoring of Equal Opportunities

The clerk and Chair of Bellingham Parish Council will have responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of the policy as it applies to Bellingham Parish Council as an employer AND service provider, involving staff as appropriate in the monitoring process.

Complaints from members of the public, staff members or councillors about discrimination or unfair treatment will be dealt with through the Council’s Complaints Procedure.

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