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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Draft Minutes of Parish Meeting - 20th December 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present:  Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Kirkbride. 

In attendance: Clerk, one member of the public

Part A - Public Participation


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Moore

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. November meeting minutes - Agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1  A successful on site meeting was held with Tim Fish, the clerk and Cllrs Richards and Wilkinson. The main focus was on the Riverside path. Gullies under the path will be cleaned, the fence will be repaired and the grass will enter the maintenance schedule and be cut twice by NCC.  Elsewhere, the steps across the right of way at the Railway line will be looked at by NCC for improvement.
5.2  The application to the Ray Wind Fund has been successful and Kompan have been instructed to go ahead with the planned play area improvement at their earliest convenience.
5.3  A quote for installation of new sink units is still needed with suitable construction companies hard to reach. Repairs to the urinals and the lights have been completed this month.
5.4   A quote for tree pruning was discussed and approved.
5.6  The landscape tender is to be published in January, finer details about the weedkiller were confirmed. 
Contact details from volunteers will be passed via Cllr Kirkbride to the Police to officially enrol on Speedwatch. 

6. Planning applications

6.1 Applications

6.1. Notification of Decision from NCC - 23/03212/FUL Hareshaw Linn Car Park Armstrong Square Bellingham Northumberland  NE48 2BZ - Granted 

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Income for the month:

Allotment 20b - £25 (22.11)
Allotment 6b, 7a - £30 (21.11)
Dickinsons - Funeral Fees - £925 (27.11)
Interest - £12.88 (11.12)
Interest  - £7.93 (11.12)
Honesty Box (toilets) - £23.88 (13.12)

Invoices paid:
Anglian water - £5 (01.12)
Anglian water - £4 (01.12)
Anglian water - £64.37 (28.11)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (30.11) 

Invoices to be paid:
Poppy Wreath - £20
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £445.03
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
C Woodcock (Clerk additional hours July - Dec): £343.25
C Woodcock (Expenses - Printer Toner) - £18.16 & £16.57
Hexham Courant - Tender Notice - £87.62
K Irving - Key Cut: £5.95
Auramia - Refund of market fees: £20
Cnet Electrical - Toilet light repair: £145
NCC - Cemetery Inspection: £167.32
Tyne Rede Accountancy (Audit): £270
Town Hall (Rents Aug, Oct, Nov): £20, £70, £20
Quote for approval:  Redeswood Farm - Tree Pollarding (3 days at £675): £2025 + VAT - Approved

Bank Accounts as of 13/12/23
Treasurers Account - £32,871.40
Cemeteries Account - £6,968.91
Reserve Account - £11,317.76    

All expenses approved. 


7.2 Budget update and Precept decision
In light of the increased expenses the council faced recently and in the coming year as well as the planned improvements in the parish it was felt a small rise in the Precept was necessary.  A total amount of £38,000 will be requested. This equates to a rise of under 6% in the last two years. 

7.3 Pay rises
Annual pay rises were discussed for those doing work associated with the Parish Council but dismissed as it was not felt to be the best course of action for self employed contractors. 

8. Correspondence

8.1 Dickinsons Funeral Directors
It was requested that the internment fees be reviewed with a view to reducing them. After up to date research it was decided that the prices are very competitive and would remain the same. However, a new fee will be introduced for internments which involve re-opening a grave. These will be charged at the standard Parishioner internment rate.
In the arising discussion it was noted that some damage has been caused to the cemetery grounds by large tracked vehicles which have been too wide for the paths. Clerk to contact all funeral directors on site this month and request that they use smaller machines or widen the paths with planks while travelling. 

8.2 Bin collection
After another report that the bin at Percy Terrace was overflowing the clerk questioned whether a long term solution could be sought. It was suggested the area was too small for a large bin but that a second bin could be added close by. Clerk to action. 

8.3 Vandalism
Damage to the Gazebo in Jubilee park has been reported with one seat in particular being badly burnt. The damage has been minimised by Exiam Maintenance and now requires a coat of paint. Clerk to report criminal damage to the police. 

9. Borderlands
Cllr Tilley has attempted contact with the personnel previously known to be part of Borderlands without success, all having now changed jobs. Correspondence has been received that a new initiative RAMP may be of future interest, further details awaited. 

10. Reports

10.1 Cllr Irving reported feedback from the public about the cleanliness in the village. It was decided that Exiam be given more two more hours per week to dedicate to litter picking in the areas with most footfall. It was also noted that the current cleaning takes place outside of shop opening hours, this is done to reduce the disruption to the public but makes the job less visible than it used to be.

10.2 & 10.3 Were reported to have been resolved before the meeting and not discussed.  

11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting

11.1 The need for the dropped kerbs beside Kendal House was now felt to be urgent. Clerk to report again.  


12 Restricted business

12.1 Co-option of councillors
It was decided to fill the two vacant seats with applicants Peter Armstrong and David Turner. The clerk advised that the official notice had not been received about the final vacant seat but go ahead to co-opt was expected soon. Once possible, Joyce Knudsen’s application would be accepted. 

12.2 Clerk’s contract
It was felt that this matter needed more consideration and possibly professional advice, clerk and Cllr Kirkbride to research. 

13. Date of next meeting January 17th 2024 7pm  where Cllr Tilley will act as clerk at a simplified meeting.  

Meeting was closed at 9.05 pm

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