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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 16th August 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving.

In attendance: Clerk, one members of the public

Part A - Public Participation

The member of the public noted that secret A of the July minutes should refer to the Business “Forum” rather than Partnership, this change was implemented.

The disrepair of the Riverside path was again brought up. The clerk responded that this matter was to be discussed under tonights correspondence.

Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Dickson-Green

2. County Councillor Report - None received.

3. Declarations of interest - None noted.

4. Minutes of July Meeting - agreed with above amendment

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Environment Agency Flood Warnings: requests for volunteers have been shared publicly. Contact has been made with Corsenside Parish Council to discuss a joint application for funding for signs for the road to West Woodburn

5.2 Clerk has shared with NCC the locations of the necessary dropped kerbs and asked them to also look at the kerbs at the road bridge over the North Tyne, a matter which was raised by a regular visitor using a mobility scooter

5.3 A quote has been received from Kompan of around £23,000. The itemised list is to be discussed at the next meeting

5.4 The national park replied to our request for an update to say they expect to submit a planning application for a new car park at Foundry Yard soon

5.6 A sign to reiterate that dogs must be on lead in the cemetery has been organised

5.7 & 5.8 Discussion postponed in Cllr Moore’s absence

6. Planning applications -

6.1 23-02687-LBC. Like for like replacements at 3 King Street, Bellingham. The council have no objections.

7. Finance

7.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Allotment Income: £62.50
  • Memorial Plaque: £100.00

General Expenses: 

  • K Irving (defibrillator pads): £71.94
  • M Dickson-Green Expenses totalling £164.95
    • Hostworld (Email capacity): £13.42
    • Dogs on Leads Sign - £31.14
    • Printer Toner - £66.49
    • Engraving Studios - £33.90
    • Payment to Bunting helpers via Brenda Huddleston £20
  • Small Authorities Audit Appointments (audit fee): £40
  • C Woodcock (Clerk): £212.51
  • C Woodcock Expenses totalling £32.50
    • Bellingham News Post Office (Stamps) - £30
    • Bellingham News (Envelopes) - £2.50
  • Pod Point: £6.74
  • C Holbrow (Village Maintenance): £153.24
  • E Taylor (Handyman): £327.75
  • CM Commercial (Landscaping): £957.60

Bank balances (as of 10/08/23)

  • Current Account - £24,104.43
  • Cemetery Maintenance Fund - £6,840.42
  • Reserves Account - £11,271.49

All income and expenditiure was approved

8. Correspondence -

8.1 Tim Fish re Riverside path. The clerk read aloud an email from NCC explaining that work to improve the Riverside path is hoped to happen later this year. Vegetation which obscures the paths can potentially be put into a management system where NCC would do 2 annual cuts, June and August. From the options provided the Council felt it best to ask NCC’s now team to undertake this work. (Clerk to action following this up)

9. Borderlands - No updates had been recieved

10. Reports

10.1 Allotment Update

Cllr Wilkinson reported that the allotments have a large population of rats. Contact has been made with allotment holders to assist with the cost of a large skip to remove refuse such as compost bins, several responses received. It was decided to order a large skip and give allotment holders notice of its arrival date. (Clerk or request Cllr Dickson-Green to action)

10.2 Christmas Lights

Cllr Dickson-Green had shared the costs for new lights ahead of the meeting. It was felt that the lights were important to the village so the purchase of the necessary replacements was approved.

10.3 Village maintenance

Update Postponed due to absence.

11. Any Urgent Business

11.1 Cllr Irving has received complaints about the bins and litter in the village streets. The clerk reported that missed bins have already been reported to NCC. A larger commercial bin has been installed by the chemists and more frequent emptying of the litter bins has been arranged. It was felt collecting litter from the streets I urgently needed, could this be undertaken by the current maintenance contractor? (clerk to action)

11.2 Cllr Irving also received complaints from businesses on Manchester Square that the parking bays are too narrow and that damage is being done to parked cars. Clerk noted that complaints have already been made but will repeat them to NCC (action).

11.3 Cllr Tilley noted that the Welcome to Bellingham signs again cannot be read, it was suggested Cllr Moore may be able to take the growth down to ground level (clerk to request).

11.4 Cllr Richards raised the issue of public transport and that the number of services seems to be dwindling. Research suggests there is funding available for rural transport schemes which do not seem to be helping the parish.

11.5 The council requested the Clerk seek clarity over the future plans for Station Yard, engaging both NCC and Bellingham Community Partnership on the issue (action).

11. Next meeting - September 20th 2023


Meeting closed at 8pm.

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