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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.



Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council - 20th April 2024 
Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Richards, Cllr Irving, Cllr Knudsen, Cllr Armstrong, Cllr Turner, Cllr Moore, Cllr Kirkbride.

In attendance: Clerk, 23 members of the public, C.Cllr John Riddle, Paul Jones from Northumberland County Council. 

A - Public Participation

At least 23 members of the public attended to express serious concern over the plans to close the major road through Bellingham. Complaints included, but we're not limited to- the lack of local consultation (neither BPC or County Council are John Riddle had been informed), the very short amount of notice, the length of the diversion, in terms of mileage therefore fuel costs and lost time. It was felt that the extra 25 minutes journey time from Hexham was a major issue for the emergency services especially considering vulnerable residents Fairshaw Crescent and on farms just beyond the road closure. It was noted that the plans will be incredibly disruptive for local businesses impacting upon tourist and visitor numbers, causing major delays in the working days of farmers and business owners whose property is split either side of the closure. As residents at Fountains Terrace will not be able to park at home, parking constraints are also an issue. Paul Jones of NCC who had granted the licence for the road closure was in attendance and explained that the developers have a legal right to connect the new properties to existing sewers and this was felt to be the only possible method. This was strongly disputed by the residents in attendance who have knowledge of the local drainage network. A follow-up meeting held locally with the developers is to be sought as a matter of great urgency. 

2.   Complaints were raised about potholes along the boat road which NCC have been notified of yet have not been filled. County Councillor Riddle replied that only potholes of over 4 cm deep and 30 cm in any direction are actionable defects and that priority is given to roads with the most traffic. An extra £10 million has been secured for fixing potholes in Northumberland, £2.76 of which is provided by the government, with the remainder from NCC. An additional £27m (approx) comes from the Government Local Transport Grant, meaning over £37 m is available to spend on NCC roads. A pothole trial using a more expensive technique has taken place with good results. In the short-term new gully cleansers and new boxes for keeping the tar hot are leading to better repairs. As the same crew are used for winter gritting services delays are inevitable. 

3.   It was questioned whether a councillor from BPC should be sitting within the North Tyne community partnership. Clerk to seek a copy of the constitution. 

4.   Councillor Riddle provided an update about the old council yard- the partnership have applied for a community asset transfer, their plans are for a small car park and some buildings. Negotiations are underway as County Councillor Riddle is keen that the car parking can be maximised in order to best serve the needs of the Parish. Once plans are agreed it will come before BPC for consultation. 

5.   A member of the public was present to hear about plans for Percy Terrace. The results of the survey were divided but the majority desire or are happy to see changes made suggestions include could the path be modified or lowered rather than removed completely. Counsellor more to speak with the emergency services and seek their point of view on such plans before exploring the legality of removing a path and speaking to NCC.  In a related issue a barrier for the end of the footpath to prevent children emerging onto the main road has been requested. 

B - Parish Council Meeting

1.     Apologies - None received.

2.     County Councillor Report - 1. The County Councillor received questions about the money he is given to spend locally. Cllr Riddle explained that he receives £15,000 per year to cover nine or 10 parishes and went on to outline some of the local projects which he has funded, records should be available from the West Area committee. There are some restrictions around the spending; only capital projects with a budget of over £2,200 can be covered and recipient groups must be constitutional. Councillor Riddle reminded those present that he had pushed for Bellingham to be included in the borderlands scheme to receive the £3 million that that will bring. 2. Having recently been asked about the local buses Councillor Riddle was able to provide an update- the operator Phoenix was discontinued but a new company may introduce a bus to get passengers from Bellingham to Otterburn to access the Newcastle bus from there. Due to a national bus driver shortage NCC have been unable to get this service up and running. 3. Complaints were directed to Cllr Riddle stating that the toddler group is full and free places are not going to be able to be used.  There is concern that the school currently has twice the national average of extra needs children and is not equipped or funded to deal with this. 

3.     Declarations of interest - Cllr Moore resides in one of the properties on Percy Terrace. 

4.     March minutes - Signed as correct. 

5.     Matters arising from the minutes -


5.1 Bellingham in bloom: Landscaper Chris Mowatt has agreed to pot up the plants which are to be delivered to Bellingham by down-to-earth.

5.2 Percy Terrace update: Covered in A public participation. 

5.3 New Bin update: This matter is ongoing, as NCC have not yet given consent and agreed the location.

5.4 Some necessary changes have been made to the cleaning contract when it was identified that it was inadvisable to request contractors sweep the gullies on the roadside. Whether a waste licence will be necessary is to be confirmed by Councillor Kirkbride. Clerk to ask for play area maintenance reports and ask the contractor to keep a timesheet to be transparent about which hours are being spent at which locations.
5.5 Toilet Refurbishment update: A quote has been received for redecorating the toilets two plumbers have been approached for quotes to include two new urinals both quotes still awaited. 
5.6 Toilet Cleaning: It was agreed to extend the current cleaning contract by two hours a week to allow for the facilities to be cleaned daily.

5.7 Clerk Buses update: See County Councillor report. 

5.8 Foundry Yard Fir Trees: The overhanging fir trees at foundry yard have been found to be the responsibility of BPC. This type of tree is unable to be cut back and remain green it is felt therefore it will be necessary to remove these trees completely. The council decided to request the stumps be ground out in order that replacement trees of a more suitable species be planted.  Councillors Wilkinson, Moore and Clerk to action. 

5.9 Street lighting near Doctors: The Clerk has consulted with Northumberland National Park dark skies department for advice on suitable street lighting. A suggestion has been made that the pole on the other side of the road could house an additional light. Clerk to speak to NCC. 

6.  Planning applications

6.1 NCC consultation - yellow lines at Foundry Park
County Councillor Riddle spoke to the residents and businesses affected when this matter was first discussed within NCC and all were found to be in favour. Councillor Armstrong described a dangerous situation at the entrance to hillside and it was agreed that the Clerk should request yellow lines be considered at the entrance to Hillside as well. 


7.1 Finance income and expenditure


Interest - £7.22
Interest - £11.73
Funeral Fees - £250
Precept (part 1) - £19,000
Toilets Honest Box - £59.57

Invoices paid:

Anglian water - £5 (01.04)
Anglian water - £4 (01.04)
Natalie Green - £154.34 (30.03)

Invoices to be paid:

C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance): £432
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages): £212.51
NALC Subscription: £245.72
Key Cut - £7.50

Bank Accounts as of 11/4/24

Treasurers Account - £43,685.64
Cemeteries Account - £6,998.74
Reserve Account - £11,366.21

All expenses approved.



7.2 End of year accounts: The Clerk provided a summary of the years spending, no questions received. 

7.3 Grant Application: Bellingham in Bloom was granted £650 towards the plants for this year. 


8. Correspondence


8.1 Forestry Research: Wild Cat viability survey: Correspondence was received about exploring options surrounding the introduction of Scottish Wildcats to Kielder. The council felt that more detail should be provided.  Clerk to suggest they hold a public meeting.

8.2 Interment of Ashes: A request from a local family to inter ashes at their family grave was discussed and approved. 

8.3 Road closure: Discussed during part a public participation. 

8.4 Kompan Update: Kompan have informed us that work has begun on the play area renovation. 

9. Borderlands update: Nothing to report.


10 Reports

10.1 Cllr Armstrong - Yellow lines Hillside - Councillor Armstrong questioned whether Karbon homes could allow parking on green space which would alleviate some of the issues occurring at the entrance to Hillside. 

10.2 Clerk - Barrier at Hareshaw Burn- The damaged barrier above Hareshaw burn near the white footbridge is felt to be very dangerous and was reported quickly using fix my street. 

10.3 Clerk - Flood signs at West Woodburn - The Clerk and Councillor Wilkinson attended a flood meeting with representatives from NCC, the Environment Agency, Corsenside Parish Council and Bellingham flood wardens, to discuss the road by Little Ridsdale which regularly floods. Andy Olive of highways explained that two large new signs will be mounted by the roadside and local flood wardens will be able to use them to indicate if the river is in flood. A suggestion from the environment agency was to further explore passive signage for the carriageway, very simple markers of the water depth. Interactive LED signs were discussed, and it was agreed to revisit that idea if necessary depending on the effectiveness of the current plans.

10.4 Clerk - Parish Emergency Plan - The clerk asked if BPC are interested in introducing an emergency plan, this could be based upon templates from similar parishes. The go-ahead to explore this was received.

10.5 Cllr Richardson - Potholes - Councillor Richardson described the location of some potholes which have opened on Redesmouth Road. County Councillor Riddle to explore.

10.6 Cllr Knudsen - Seeking an Apology from NCC -

10.7 Cllr Knudsen - Speeding
Matters 10.6 and 10.7 were postponed until a later meeting.


Urgent business. 
11.1 The dropped curb which has been requested near Kendal house is felt to be urgent as it is inconveniencing local resident wheelchair users - Clerk to speak with Andy Olive of NCC.

12 Restricted business


12. 1 An employment contract was signed between Christine Woodcock, parish clerk, and BPC. 2. The council were made aware of sensitive correspondence received via the clerk’s email address with no action to be taken. 

Date of next meeting


15th of May for the Annual Parish Meeting beginning at 6:30 with the AGM to follow. Advanced apologies received from Councillor Moore. 


Meeting Closed 9:40 pm. 



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