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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 19th April 2023

Meeting held at Bellingham Town Hall - 7.00pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Huddleston, Cllr Irving, Cllr Moore, Cllr Richards, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Wilkinson.

In attendance: 3 members of the public

In the absence of the Clerk, Cllr Tilley agreed to take minutes.  

Part A - Public Participation

Two members of the public expressed concern that an appeal had been lodged against the refusal of planning permission for the siting of additional caravans at the Hareshaw Linn Caravan Park. They wished to reiterate their strong objections, which remained valid, and were assured that the parish council’s objections remained in force too, and would be reiterated to the planning inspector.

Another local resident raised a number of issues, including the moribund state of the River North Tyne, which he felt had been affected by the release of very cold water from Kielder Reservoir, The Environment Agency was investigating.

He also sought information on the formal  issue of the Section 106 agreement relating to the development of the Bellingham Auction Mart field. The parish council had still not been formally notified of the full details but it was understood that the developers would only have to pay £33,000 for local works, rather than the originally proposed £100,000 +.

The resident had noted that parts of the riverside footpath had become badly potholed, and suggested the parish council acquired some gravel to fill the holes, It was pointed out this was a county council responsibility.

It was stated that residents of the Boat Road appeared to be missing out on the installation of the new Wefibre broadband system  but it was explained ducting which was in place in much of the centre of the village had to be specially installed in the Boat Road before Wefibre could proceed.

Attention was also drawn to an accumulation of old cars in a field halfway down the Boat Road which was creating an eyesore. The legality of the situation was to be investigated.


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Riley

2. County Councillor Report - None received

3. Declarations of interest - No new updates

4. March meeting minutes - Agreed with one amendment. Cllr Irving was shows as present when he had sent his apologies.

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 Cllr. Moore was to meet the newly appointed playground contractor at the Jubilee Field to explain the council’s maintenance requirements re raking and sand replenishment.

Cllr. Moore had also concluded the tyre walk in the Jubilee Field was beyond repair and was studying play equipment catalogues to identify possible alternative pieces of equipment to cover an area of 18 square feet.

5.2 The surface of the footpath through the Jubilee Field was breaking up, preventing use by pushchairs etc. Contractor to be contacted to make good with adequate top dressing.

5.3 The police were taking action to tackle alleged illegal drug use in several parts of the village.

6. Planning applications

6.1 - 23/00629 PRUTPO - The Rectory Bellingham : no objections

6.2 - 23NP0032 - Steel Frame Shed at Hareshaw Head Cottage : no objections

6.3 - 21/04592/FUL - Hareshaw Linn Caravan Park extra caravans refusal. The applicants had lodged an appeal against the decision, and the parish council agreed to maintain its objections, as the need for more caravans was questioned, with some 15 plots on the site already unoccupied

7. Finance

7.1 Income, expenses and bank balance

Income for the month:

  • Interest: £10.19
  • Allotment Income: £212.50
  • Market Income: £110.00
  • Honesty Box Income: £59.70
  • Precept: £17,998.50
  • PodPoint EV Charger: £90.53
  • Cemetery Income: £750.00


Invoices to be paid:


  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £212.51
  • CM Commercial (landscaping) = £957.60 NALC Subscription = £237.83
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £448.80
  • Town Hall (rental for Apr) = £70.00
  • Town Hall (power for chargers) = £67.08 DD - Wave (water rates) = £28.00
  • N Green (cleaning) = £154.34
  • B Tilley (Coronation expenses) = £1,393.20
  • M Dickson-Green (Expenses) = £255.07 
    • Coronation event items: £204.49
    • Memorial plaque: £18.90
    • Market expenses: £20.00
    • Stationary: £11.68

Bank account balances at 12/02/23 were:

  • Current account - £38,180.48
  • Reserves Account - £11,241.95
  • Cemetery Maintenance Fund - £5,674.10

8. Correspondence

8.1 A copy of a letter from Northumberland Estates identifying the areas in the centre of the village the parish council was supposed to pay £10 annual rental was received, and it was agreed to pay the rental.

8.2 A tree which had fallen across the riverside path near Riverdale had been removed.

8.3 The council’s playgrounds were to be formally inspected.

8.4 The future of the attractive garden established and maintained by local resident Neville Wood on the riverside path was called into question after Mr Wood was taken seriously ill. It remains to be seen whether anyone will take the maintenance on, after the Bellingham in Bloom group said it was unable to do so because of lack of personnel for other onerous tasks, including the watering of hanging baskets and tubs round the village.

9. Borderlands - No further reports were available on this

10. Reports

10.1 – Cllr Irving again raised the poor state of the public footpath between the Catholic Corner and Riverdale Hall, which needed totally resurfacing. There were also trip hazards on the footpath outside the town hall and near the toilets where flags were not level following installation of car charging points. The problems were to be drawn to the attention of the county council.

10.2 Cllr Irving queried when the defibrillator was to be installed at the Heritage Centre, but was told a site was yet to be agreed.

10.3 There had been complaints about the commercial bins in Lock Up Lane which were causing an unsightly obstruction in what was a thoroughfare open to traffic. It was felt they could be sited off the road closer to the Community Pantry.

10.4 Cllr Wilkinson called for an inspection of the Westlands Allotments, where at least four plots were in a very poor condition, and were not being cultivated, contrary to hire terms. As there was a waiting list for allotments it was felt tenants who were not fulfilling the terms of their agreements should be approached to either tend their plots or give them up. Coun Moore agreed to take part in an inspection.

10.5 Cllr Richards said dropped kerbs installed in Cairns Road were unsatisfactory as they were only on one side of the road. The matter would be passed to the county council.

10.6 Cllr Huddleston said plans were in place for the Coronation celebrations in the village on May 7th. There would be a children’s party in the afternoon, and a free concert by local musician Jason Arnup in the afternoon. Cllr Tilley was to place a list in the paper shop for people to put their names down for the concert, as places would be limited Cllr Tilley had taken delivery of 180 souvenir Coronation mugs which would be presented to pupils at the two village schools before the event. It was agreed that the paper shop be asked to supply a small bag of sweets to go into each mug.

10.7 Cllr Huddleston queried whether a survey of all the trees in the village was required m following the toppling of trees at two points round the village. Councillors did not feel this was necessary as the trees were already regularly checked.

10.8 Cllr Tilley raised the question of the future of the  village fireworks event at Riverdale. Organiser Kate Jameson  had indicated she was giving up the role, and while she had funds in hand for the next two years, the future of the event was in jeopardy if no-one could be fund to take over.  Councillors agreed the display was among the highlights of the year and it was hoped someone could be found to take it on, possibly incorporating a Guy Fawkes competition in association with the schools.

11. Any urgent issues for consideration at the next meeting - None

12. Restricted business: Members of the public were asked to leave while councillors discussed three items of a confidential nature.

13. Date of next meeting May 17th 2023. Starting at 6.30pm to accommodate the annual meeting of the Parish Council.


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