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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/12/2024.

Minutes of Parish Meeting - 21st April 2021

Meeting held by Zoom - 7pm


Councillors Present: Cllr Allen, Cllr Wilkinson, Cllr Dickson-Green, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Huddleston, Cllr Moore

In attendance: Clerk

Part A - Public Participation


Part B - Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies - Cllr Irving, Cllr Kirkbride

2. County Councillor Report - None

3. Declarations of interest - None noted

4. Minutes of February Meeting - agreed with no amendments

5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 The Clerk noted that the Playground Committee had been contacted regarding sources of funding and the need to delay work on the drainage of the football pitch until the wider drainage issues had been resolved.

It was agreed to fund the purchase of a safety ring for the Jubilee Field due to the difficulty in finding funding for this.

The Clerk had been in touch with a local residents about the issues with any requested widening of Percy Terrace, as well as the council’s ongoing support for complaints over the development of housing at Noble Street and a letter had been written to Keith Oliver to thank him for his work at the cemetery. A letter had also been written to local farmers asking for care to be taken over mud on the road to Otterburn.

Cemetery rules had been updated with the new wording re: scattering of ashes and the cemetery rules had been placed on the inside of the Lichgate. The funding received from burial fees was in a ring fenced account to be used for cemetery improvements. The Clerk confirmed that the chapel at the cemetery was not listed but that he had not as yet got quotes for relaying of the paths. The work agreed on the walls had been completed but the work on the spare earth and green waste at the top of the cemetery had not been started as agreed by the contractor. If this work was not done within the week, alternative quotes to be sought. The Clerk noted he was still transcribing information from the burial books and that this was a big job before the safety checks could proceed. 

The Clerk had ensured that the election had been advertised as discussed at the previous meeting and NCC had been approached regarding the manhole covers outside St Cuthbert’s church.

5.2 The Clerk stated that Cllr Kirkbride was looking into the issues with scrap at Nichol’s Arch and this was ongoing. A letter to the Chief Constable regarding local volunteer Mick Scott had been sent.

5.3 Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the reply to neighbouring councils re: tourism was still outstanding as this was being finalised as part of Bellingham’s own tourism strategy.

Further contact with the developers of the Mart Field site had been delayed due to COVID.

The final stage of contacting vendors for the proposed indoor market was in process before plans could be finalised.

6. Planning applications -

21/00893/FUL - Redundant barns, Garden Terrace - the Clerk noted that the Parish Council had agreed to support this application between meetings due to the timing of the notice from NCC. No final decision had yet been notified.

7. Correspondence

Dickinsons funeral directors had expressed their unhappiness with the new cemetery fees. The Clerk noted that there had been no evidence of issues from residents, with a spike in the number of people viewing the fees and then going on to reserve plots in advance. A query had been raised regarding the price of internment of ashes and a few of £50 was agreed upon.

The Clerk noted that the allotment at the far end of the golf club had been claimed by a resident. Northumberland Estates had expected the Parish to object to this claim, but the Clerk had explained there was no basis to do so given the evidence available. Northumberland Estates had requested a meeting with the Parish and the Golf Club to look at the running of the Fairstead.

The Clerk noted a resident had expressed thanks for the work that was being done to improve the cemetery.

NALC had issued guidance regarding meetings after May. Due to Government legislation it was not legally possible to hold meetings by Zoom but it was also not clear how legal it would be to hold meetings in person, so it was down to each council to decide how to proceed. It was agreed that this would be considered within reports.

A resident had been in touch with the Parish regarding speeding traffic outside the school. He mentioned that the warning signs were overgrown and in need of cleaning but that this would still not stop people speeding. It was decided to look into the status of the community speed check as well as examining the cost of speed check signs as in Otterburn. Cllr Huddleston also noted that the school bus often broke the speed limit and it was agreed to write to the bus company to ask that they raise this matter with their drivers.

A resident had been in touch regarding the overgrown ivy on the wall at the lower cemetery. They had cleaned the ivy off the wall but noted that it was starting to damage the wall itself.

The Clerk had posted information about human remains being found in the spare soil from excavations at St Cuthbert’s. It was agreed for Cllr Allen to liaise with Marie Hunter to discuss fencing options for the wall near the new steps.

Karbon Homes had replied to the Parish’s request for possible increased parking at Westlands with concerns over whether residents wanted this, loss of green space, encouragement of cars when residents should be using public transport and cost concerns. It was agreed to write to affected residents and see if they would support additional parking with a small reduction in green spaces.The Fire Brigade was also to be contacted due to recent difficulties accessing the site thanks to parked cars.

RoSPA will undertake safety checks of the playgrounds in June.

Kielder is extending free parking for local residents. This is to be publicised.

8. Reports -

8.1/8.2 Cllr Huddleston noted that surface water from the vicarage was causing issues with the path due to blocked drains. It was agreed to write to the relevant person in the diocese to raise the issue.

Cllr Huddleston also noted that the paths in the Jubilee Field were overgrown, and asked if they could be widened again. This is to be discussed with the contractors who cut the site.

Cllr Dickson-Green noted that some visitors had been lighting barbecues in the Jubilee Field and that there were no notices explaining this was not allowed. It was agreed to source appropriate signage.

8.3 This was carried forward to next month.

8.4 Cllr Tilley suggested that all future meetings of the Parish Council should be held at the Town Hall as a central location to improve visibility and accessibility for residents. It was agreed in principle as well as that the next meeting in May would be held in the Town Hall to enable improved social distancing. However due to the possible cost implications of doing so, a long term decision on the location of meetings was postponed until next month.

9. Finance

9.1 The following items of income and expenditure were noted:


  • Interest = £0.07
  • Precept = £17,647.50
  • Allotment rent = £12.00
  • Cemetery Fees = £1,786


  • B Dickson-Green (clerk pay) = £179.00
  • B Dickson-Green (expense) = £179.05 (spare keys for toilet, Postcrete, printer paper and toner, cemetery rules sign)
  • Water rates = £57.00 (DD)
  • C Mowatt (Landscaping) = £957.60
  • M Dickson-Green (Zoom fees and materials for public toilets) = £14.39
  • E Taylor (handyman) = £358.00
  • Town Hall (Electricity for car chargers) = £44.54
  • NALC subscription = £233.68
  • TyneRede (payroll) = £252.00
  • Gavin Golden (wall repairs at cemetery) = £520
  • Bellingham Country Store (consumables for toilets) = £82.00
  • Natalie Green (cleaning for toilets) = £130.00

Bank balances as at 11th February were: Main account £46,501.13, Jubilee Field account £2216.90, Instant access account £1,786.03.

9.2 A grant application had been received from the Heritage Center for £100. This was agreed.

9.3 The Clerk noted that the year end accounts forms had been received and that these would be completed by the next meeting.

10. Any Urgent Business

Cllr Moore noted that the fly tipping on the railway line was continuing and that NCC had yet to put up signs as agreed last year. The Clerk noted he had chased them for this, but that they had yet to sort the funding for the signs.

Cllr Dickson-Green noted that the next meeting would be on the 19th and would include the Annual meeting. It was agreed to start the Annual Meeting at 6.30pm so the normal meeting could proceed at 7pm. The meeting is to be held at the Town Hall to allow for social distancing. The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held at 7pm on 27th of May online and is also to be advertised.

11. Date of next meeting - May 19th

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